Nathan dislocated his thumb today while we were doing minor home improvements.
The nice side of me went ‘shit! are you okay? show me? no, it’s back in, do you want a bandage?’
The bitchy side of me went ‘see? now you know what it’s like. i do that multiple times a day. maybe you’ll be more sympathetic next time I tell you something’s popped.’
The nice side of me won. I bandaged it and made sure it was fine. Poor baby.
Remember the birds that fell from the sky? Apparently they’ve been dying of Salmonella.
Which of course can be transmitted to humans, dogs and cats.
All of which currently live on my property. With a metric shitload of sparrows. And tank water.
The joys.
If I start vomiting, I’m declaring war on sparrows.
Actually, I might do that anyway, vomiting or not.
Death to sparrows.
Just not salmonella death.
Today I’m guest posting over at Sarcastic Mom’s. Sure, I wrote it when Isaac was 5 weeks old and I was sleep deprived and bitter, but oh well.
Go read it.
13 responses to “Small things:”
Nathan is lucky. I am beyond having sympathy for Beefcake’s little aches and pains. He’s a giant wuss – oh, alright, I put on a good sypmathetic front but inside I’m all whatever, you’re fine. Heh.
Oh and ewww on the salmonella sparrows. I’d be careful with your tank water if I were you!
I read about that weird bird thing you saw but forgot to comment (as always) but how bizarre!!! I hate birds in general but I think sparrows are probably the cutest. Hehe.
I can’t quite imagine how crap it must be to always dislocate things, but I imagine it sucks bigtime. 🙁 Hope he’s more sympathetic now!
Oh my word! I had forgotten about the birds. Shit, that’s quite scary!
Loved your post on Sarcastic Mom’s! You have this knack of making everything sound so real “vomit in the crook of my arm!” I smiled as I remembered those days!
I saw it on the news and remembered you talking about it. Now you know why! always an explanation!
Emily cried for Nathan the whole tiem I was at work the other day and I had to come home early. I, like you, felt like saying, ‘SEE WHAT IT’S LIKE?’ lol.
I’m double-jointed in my thumb so it does this weird thing where I can make it move down and my hand can fit through something really small.
I have so little sympathy for my husband. He is such a baby and I’m all, yeah well I pushed a baby out my who-ha without any drugs. Wimp!
I was going to comment, but I’ve read the comments posted so far and I think I’m just going to slink away.
1. I’m glad you took “the high road” and ministered to Nathan. Kindness will usually begets kindness.
2. Boil your water and keep it in the fridge for drinking, brushing teeth, etc. if there’s any danger of it infecting your tank.
3. Try to get the dead birds picked up and buried/disposed of, especially if you have a dog.
4. If you have a cat, don’t let it out till this bird dropping from the sky thing is over and birds are disposed of. Otherwise you may have a dead cat.
5. Have a great day – if you can!
I would boil any and all drinking water. Yikes and ha, ha on the thumb dislocation. Now he knows how you feel.
where you live is starting to scare me
The family that dislocates together….shares braces and bandages for eternity?
There was a similar bird thing in WA last year, but it wasn’t salmonella – it was air pollution from one of the gas plants. Any air problems down in Tassie?
I don’t suppose Nathan said anything really great like, geez, that really hurts, and you do this ALL THE TIME?? I’m so sorry I don’t do more for you now that I know how much pain you have throughout your day……hahahahaha
Heading over to sarcastic mom’s now, haven’t been there for quite a while.
eww to the sparrows..
your very good to him..
thinking of ya.. 🙂