This post sponsored by Nuffnang
The HP Wireless e-All-In-One Printer. I was sort of hoping that in order to do a sponsored post for HP, that they’d give me a printer to try out. We don’t have one at the moment and it’s a pain. Then I looked around my ‘office’ and my lack of space and figured that any printer I had would be likely to end up full of crayons and 20c pieces and decided that maybe we’d wait a little longer before buying a printer. Like maybe we’ll sell this house first or something.
The printer. Apparently, it works via the InterWebs, meaning that you can print things at home, no matter where you are.
I can just imagine how awesome it would be for teenages.
end message
end message
Oh, the possibilities are endless.
I like the idea. Being able to print photos at home while you’re on holiday, sending messages to your spouse while you’re at the supermarket, bothering your teenage children, it’s all a pretty cool idea. Maybe not exactly what HP thought of when they designed it (I imagine they had people at work in mind, being able to print things to your home computer, while you’re at work), but it’s exactly the way my mind works.
It’s just a shame I don’t have teenagers yet, or a printer to try out.
But hey, you might end up with a printer, simply by reading this!
Tell me in the comments how you would most like to use the HP Wireless e-all in one printer (that’s a mouthful, yes?) and you’ll go into the draw to win a printer. Lucky you.
You can find more info about winning a printer here and as always, please read the terms and conditions [PDF].
12 responses to “If I ever leave the house again…”
ROFL I’m giggling like crazy here.
Husband has remote access to our home printer from his work. One day I was at home minding my own business when the printer starts whirring printing out a ticket for husband to go to see a show – without me!
He was so busted. Apparently he’d planned to go out and see the show straight after work on day when the girls and I had a after school visit to friends planned – without telling us or even inviting me.
Cheeky bugger. Unfortunatly his new high tech connection to home printer foiled his plans.
*rolls eyes* would have been helpful wouldn’t it to have been able to play?
I haven’t ever owned my own printer. Sure, I’ve used the uni ones, or my parents, and now the work one *looks around shiftily* but Have never owned one of my very own, to print out recipes, photos of my nephew, homework my psych has set me, all these things..
Marita – That cracked me up. Busted, BIG time. Hehehe.
Fiona – We used to have one. Oh it was nice. But then it decided it was going to break and we never got around to replacing it.
We have been printerless for several years now. Mine did end up full of crayons and matchbox cars, actually. The last straw on that printer though was a mouse. Yes, a dead mouse INSIDE by printer meant, GOODBYE printer!
Now we find ourselves REALLY wanting one. I need to print recipes, chord charts, color pages, information sheets, children’s ministry things, the list goes on and on. I hope I win! I never win these contests, but they sure are fun to enter.
I hope you get your printer soon too!
Ahh printers, they never seem to last that long in my house. 🙁
If I had that one? I’d probably sent myself messages of bloggy ideas etc that I couldn’t do at the time. You know, the ones that hit you when you’re at the supermarket and such? So long as I could send it from my iPhone that is… 😉
Even things like the brand of something i wanted to look into getting etc. Oooh the possibilities are endless!
I would use it to bug my teenage son. I would send him messages via my handy dandy printer telling him to turn the music on his you tube clip down. Of course only I would know that it was a remote access wireless printer, Can you imagine the reaction when the printer started whirring away. hehe *insert spooky music*
I would just love to be able to hook our multiple computers up to it from anywhere in the apartment, let alone outside of it (that sounds just awesome though). To be able to eliminate a few of the many cords going on around it would be superb.
Printers just use too much ink for my liking. I imagine my cat would attack a printer that started spurting out paper when no one was in.
I would never have imagined that a post about printers would be just so hilariously funny with included comments.
he he
I guess I’d like to use the printer mainly for family use. As I’m a university student, sometimes it would be great to have the printer at the family house so I can just print off the stuff Mum and Dad need to see without the hastles of sending email attachments, etc!
My current printer is a multi-function printer-scanner-photocopier. Comes in mighty handy, it does. No remote access, but then I don’t need that.
The pioneer cookarella – A mouse? SERIOUSLY? Although, I ended up waking up one day with a dead one under my pillow. Mice are odd.
Marylin – oooooh! I’d do that too.
Frogponds – he would freak out. Hehehee
Katie – YES. God yes, less cords is always better.
Achelois – our kittens used to LOVE our printer. It was always a bit annoying. Glad I made you giggle.
Kelly – good idea!
River – I need one like that too.
This HP printer would be a very valuable addition to our household because my partner gets home from work before I do, so during the day while I’m still at work I can send him through some notes about what to do when he gets home, eg. pull food out the freezer to thaw out for dinner, or tell him which veges to start chopping before I get home. or I could even organise my washing machine to do a load at a certain tiime before he comes home, then send him a message to unload the washing machine for me. it would be very handy and fun to communicate with my partner this way, seeings the computer desk is usually the first thing that he looks at when he gets home
thanks, i think this will help heaps.