An almost wedding and life




They tell you that your first line has to be your hook, in order to get readers, reading. But sometimes, life gets on top of you and starting a blog post anyway you can is the best you can do and the worst of blogging rule breaking. You can do it anyway you know, because it’s your blog and I’ve given you permission.

I’ve been walking around today in a perpetual state of minor panicky-ness. Almost a panic attack, but not quite, I merely wanted to lock myself in my bedroom with ten or fifteen distractions (puppies! kittens! small children! e-books! iPhone apps! only some of these things were available) and ignore the world for today.

It isn’t what happened however, despite my patented head in the sand method and a few declarations of “I don’t even want to think about this yet, so we’re not discussing it” and I was Productive and Stressed and probably Bitchy as well.

The wedding is in forty hours and steadily counting down. We had our rehearsal this evening, and I thought I was calming down, until I got home and realised that no, I was not in any way calm and I should probably take a sleeping tablet and go to bed.

We had our rehearsal this evening, while the children tried to kill themselves on a giant slide (it was FINE) and people jogged around us. It was kind of weird and I couldn’t stop giggling during the vow practise. Sorry Nathan,  I wasn’t laughing at you, I promise. But we pretended to get married and there you go. Suddenly it’s all very serious and important and stuff. It’s a little weird.

After that, I went to Bunnings and bought myself twenty pots of flowering plants, to plant myself an “aisle” to walk down. Nathan has declared that he is no-way-no-how digging holes for me, so I may have to press gang one of our brothers into digging holes while I boss them around.


My to-do list of Things That Absolutely Must Get Done is growing (cover a cake in white icing! put down new lino in the toilet! coerce Nathan into dragging the ceramic pot filled with strawberries out to the orchard! put up a marquee! bother a duck to see if we have ducklings yet! hide!) and my head is close to implosion point. A warm bath would be lovely, but my joints are absolutely so crappy at the moment that it would do more harm than good.

Isaac is, however, well on his way to being Back To Normal, and all that that entails. While I am bemoaning my loss of free time while he stared into space, it’s been rather nice to have him well again. Weight loss stabilised at a little over 2kg and he’s eaten well (ish) today, so I imagine that it won’t take him long to gain it back. Fingers crossed.

This blog post had absolutely no cohesion at all. I’m sorry.

Also, I just deleted over 300 spam comments without checking them, so if you got caught in spam recently, I’m sorry. I just couldn’t bring myself to trawl through offers of Christmas viagra (give your wife a boning hard present) and Russian brides (alone this dark long season of holidays?).


20 responses to “An almost wedding and life”

  1. Tiff Avatar

    Exciting! I wish that I could be there. It will all come together and you will be gorgeous.

  2. mama mogantosh Avatar

    Oh my God, you have so taken me back to the last couple of days before my wedding. Stress like I have never felt before, and hope to never again. All these do-it-yerself plans feel so sweet and lovely and original in the delicious planning of them but suddenly it’s midnight the day before and you and your husband are choreographing an interpretive dance of your relationship while writing seating charts….I think I have toi sit down. Just the memory is making me sweat.

    I feel your pain V.

    Can I just advise you, from the other side, drop whatever you can off that list that is not absolutely necessary? You will not miss it. But I went hard right till the last minute and then came down with hell-flu after the wedding because I gave myself so much to do while forgetting I still had to raise two children…

    You’ll be fab. Good luck!!

  3. Marita Avatar

    Weddings bring the crazy, remember at the end of the day it is all about you and Nathan celebrating your life together… and also you are awesome.

  4. Belinda Avatar

    Wishing you all the best for the big day! It will all be fine (repeat continually to yourself if necessary!)

  5. Liz Avatar

    Ahh! I’m so excited for you. I wish I was there to help, I’m kind of okay at digging, and I like ducklings, so…. yeah.

    Sending big crazy hugs your way


  6. frogpondsrock Avatar

    The plants will be fine in the pots :)x

  7. frogpondsrock Avatar

    And it will all come together, I will chase your children around, David says he will be your slave for the day. There are willing teenagers there to do your bidding at the reception.

    All you have to do is REMEMBER that you are the Bride and hence you are QUEEN for the day and we are all your minions.

  8. Watershedd Avatar

    Yes, leave the plants in the pots, as your Mum says.Forget about the lino in the loo. And if the icing is a headache, leave it off too and just put some flowers around the cake. BREATHE! So wishing you a beautiful day, with sun, a gentle breeze and all the ones you love to share in your joy. X

  9. louisa Avatar

    So excited for you! Can’t wait to hear all about it and wishing I was able to be there to celebrate WITh you! xx

  10. Chantel Avatar

    Best wishes for an amazing day. Enjoy every moment and take time out to take stock of what is going on around you xx

  11. Dad Blog Tork Avatar

    Good luckers. Soak it all in 🙂

  12. kayla Avatar

    My husband and I cracked up at our rehearsal! I think its normal.

    I only had one panic attack the day before the wedding, the day of?… I took a nerve pill. Hahaha.

    Good luck and happy wedding day!

  13. Marylin Avatar

    I’m looking forward to seeing it across the interwebs!! SO glad the wee man is feeling better… though it is a little deflating when they stop the lying next to you and just wanting to snuggle and sleep, eh? >_<

  14. stink-bomb Avatar

    you, young lady are going to have a spectacular day!!

    don’t sweat the small stuff, heck don’t sweat anything, no one will care if there is lino in the toilet – they are there for you and Nathan [hope i got his name right!], to see you get married, to celebrate the start of your life together as a married couple!!

    i hope the day goes stupendously and that you have a lifetime of happiness!!


  15. Happy Elf Mom Avatar

    I love it. It is going to be so amazing, this wedding. I like your mum’s idea of keeping the flowers in the pots. THOUGH. If you had more time for a permanent planting, it would be cool in 20 years to still have that aisle in the ground.

    And disjointed posts are still posts; I always like hearing from you even if I don’t always comment.

  16. Belinda Avatar

    Good luck for your big day, wishing loads of love and happiness. I know how stressed I would be about everything being perfect (it’s why I eloped- with a babysitter lol) so I hope you day is perfect and right just for you. Take care. Belinda xx 🙂

  17. Pink Ronnie Avatar

    All the best, Veronica! Enjoy your day.
    Ronnie xo

  18. river Avatar

    An aisle of flowers!!
    You have the best ideas!!
    Tomorrow is going to be the best day ever.

  19. Stimey Avatar

    You’ll get done what needs to be done. I’m wishing you the very best wedding. I hope it is amazing.

  20. Grit Avatar

    Though that I can’t be there with you as you tie the knot . I am sending you all my wishes for this special bond.
    **** Congratulations *****
    Amitiès sincères