Author: Veronica

  • Mickey Choo Choo Express vs Mickey’s Choo Choo and Silence. Blessed silence.

    This post is sponsored by Nuffnang.

    I’d forgotten that I’d agreed to review a DVD when it arrived in the mail, surrounded by sanity saving books. Actually, I probably couldn’t have planned it better, as this way, there was something for everyone. I didn’t show the Micky Choo Choo Express DVD to Amy however, as I was going out and didn’t want her to watch it without me to watch her reaction. Heh. When I got home later that day, to discover the DVD disappeared and the DVD player set up in our bedroom, I knew that Nathan had used the DVD.

    Much foot stomping and frustrated sighing ensued.

    I needn’t have worried anyway, if Amy’s behaviour was anything to go by. She spent all morning the next day begging to watch ‘Squeaky Mouse!’ and whining at me. Once I’d put Isaac down for a nap, I figured the DVD would come in handy to keep her silent through naptime.

    I hadn’t counted on Nathan wanting to watch the news though and when he paused her DVD to change channels, oh my god – I think angels cried and fairies dropped dead from the force of the tantrum.

    She definitely loves her DVD’s.

    She woke her brother, made me want to claw my eyes out and bothered Nathan through the entire 30 minutes the news was on. Think high pitched screaming the whoooole time.


    Anyway, we turned the DVD back on and she was happy.



    Did I mention she was silent?

    For an hour, she curled up on the couch and watched TV, while I got things done. Isaac even sat and watched most of it too, silently.

    I tell you what, anything that keeps them silent for an hour is worth my time. She was the same way with the Handy Manny DVD that we reviewed, so obviously Disney has their formula and know what works for the short people.

    The DVD has lots of counting and problem solving and Amy enjoyed counting along. Personally I think she was just liking the excuse to yell numbers, but what would I know?

    Either way, if you’ve got a preschooler, I suspect they’ll enjoy this DVD. For the hours worth of silence I got, I totally recommend it to everyone. EVERYONE.

  • Team Ivy

    I’ve blogged about Ivy before, see here and here.

    But this? This is what one community can do.

    Over $2000 raised for the John Hunter Children’s Hospital.


  • Happy Birthday Nathan

    Happy Birthday Nathan!

    I don’t know what we’d do without you.

    (For everyone else, I’ve been exhausted lately, my new meds are working, but leaving me with very few spoons to do things like internet with. My reader is exploding and I’m very sorry, I’ll hopefully be back about soon.)

  • Transparency and should the little people get a say?

    This fortnight I participated in the Pioneer Woman’s photography challenge, like I do most fortnights and I didn’t get picked. Which honestly, doesn’t bother me. The quality of the photos chosen as the finalists was amazing, so please, don’t think that this is a sour grapes post.

    Not at all.

    Instead, I thought I’d ask some questions about stuff I’ve been witnessing all around the blogosphere.

    Regularly, in the PW flickr group discussion boards, you see people pop up discussions on the photographers repeatedly being picked. A member questioned why this was and did we think that Ree had favourites that she went back to over and over again?

    The entire conversation stayed polite, as the original poster had asked politely and I was interested to read the responses.

    Eventually, Ree herself commented and explained how she chooses the finalists and that satisfied everyone.


    And this is where I start to wonder about readers and large bloggers with fans and such.

    A lot of the comments made after the original post said something like this.

    ‘Ree’s competition, Ree’s rules, Ree’s choice. We don’t get to question how she chooses the winners and who cares how she picks them anyway, we should just be grateful that we get to participate.’ (note, no one person said that, but it was the general gist of some comments on this thread and in previous discussions about the same thing)

    Which okay, fair enough. But, it seems to me that if you dare to disagree with a big blogger, or question how or why they do something, then prepare to be bitterly opposed – not by the blogger themself, but by a small portion of readers, the fans who think whatever said blogger does is fantabulous and us plebs don’t get to question.

    Look, I’m not having a go at Ree, or the competition, because I love participating and it’s great fun. I’ve found some of my favourite photographers that way and I’m not going to stop playing. Ree is just a handy dandy example of some things I’ve witnessed elsewhere in the blogosphere too.

    So, I wanted to explore the ‘don’t you dare disagree’ mentality that a very small percentage of people seem to have.

    Do you think that we, as readers of large blogs like Dooce, and Pioneer Woman and other ones I can’t think of right now, deserve to know how winners of competitions are chosen? Do you think we have the right to question how and why things are done?

    I’m not talking about trolling, or being nasty, but asking a simple question – ‘I’m curious as to how you pick the winners, I’ve noticed a lot of the same people being chosen, are they your friends, or do you just like their photos and keep coming back to them?’

    Or ‘You’ve got a new sponsor, are they a product you endorse, or are they just paying the bills?’

    It comes down to a line I read that immediately made me question who I was and how I was reading blogs. It said –

    ‘Who are we to question how she does something?’

    And here I am, questioning how we interact as readers and writers of blogs.

    Who are WE to question?

    WE are the entire reason a big blogger is big. We are the readers, the page views, the sponsors, the commenters. We are every reason that someone is where they are.

    Just like YOU.

    YOU are the reason that I don’t feel like I’m shouting into the internet wilderness. YOU are the reason I keep writing and YOU are the reason I make book money off my blog. YOU.

    So if you question me, I think you’ve got as much right to an answer from me (a small blogger by anyone’s count) as I’ve got to an answer from Ree.

    I understand that bloggers like Ree and others with large readerships are a lot more time poor than I am and I honestly wouldn’t expect a personal response to one question. But if 20 people before me have brought up a subject and wondered about it, I think an answer is in order.

    Which in this case, Ree provided, and it satisfied everyone (including me, who had also wondered how the photos were chosen).

    But that didn’t stop people jumping on the girl who had asked the question and yelling (figuratively) How DARE you question!!

    So I’m curious – do you think we as readers, have the right to question how a large blog runs a competition/picks a sponsor/chooses a winner?

    Do we have the right to expect transparency from them? I know blogging is only a tiny slice of life and you can’t understand exactly how things work from a blog, but I’m talking simple transparency here.

    As a reader and writer of blogs, I’m inclined to say yes. A large blog readership doesn’t exempt you from questions about how and why you do something and I honestly believe that the larger your readership gets, the more up front and transparent you need to be.

    Maybe though, maybe I’m just up on my soapbox, shouting into the wilderness and poking things that don’t need poking.

    What do you think?


    As a disclaimer so that no one gets upset with me, I like Ree, she seems like a lovely person. I am not a regular reader of her blog, but I do click over every few weeks to check out what she is up to and watch for recipes I can adapt to gluten free. I also participate in the photgraphy challenges when I can and enjoy looking at the winners.

    I’m also not complaining about anything here, I noticed the behaviour and thought it curious and wanted to know what you guys thought. If I was running a comp, would you question how I was choosing winners? (I would hope so, if I didn’t mention that already.) Actually, speaking of which, competition, have you entered?

    So yeah, just curious.

  • Death, Books and a Giveaway

    In the leadup to the anniversary of Nan’s death, I started buying books again. Lots of books. At the moment I am waiting for 10 or so books to arrive and they’ll trickle in over the next few weeks.

    Watching my bookshelves fill up has been easier than watching everything else fall apart, just a little.

    So, the 12 month anniversary was yesterday. And I could have written a post detailing all the ways in which I miss my grandmother, but I didn’t, because that litany runs through my head often enough to make it useless for the blog.


    I should have just stayed home actually – I went out with Mum and Davey, and I was grumpy and out of sorts. A day on the couch with a book probably would have suited me to a tee. That said, it was good to see my great-great grandmother and who can pass up scones with jam and cream?

    Today, I am tired and a little fragile, but I’ll be okay. I will be okay.

    Anyway! The crux of this entirely crappy post.

    I have a giveaway, sponsored by Microsoft, for you.

    On offer is one copy of Office Home and Business 2010, valued at $379.

    It’s got many different features and stuff as detailed here, but basically, it’s the new and shiny Office program, that most of us can’t afford. So I’m giving away a copy.

    To Enter:

    Leave me a comment, telling me what you do to make youself happy.

    For an extra entry you can

    -subscribe to my blog – make sure you leave a comment letting me know you’ve subscribed.
    -tweet this giveaway – again, let me know on twitter (@SleeplessNights) that you’ve tweeted it.
    – link to this giveaway in your own blog. You don’t have to write a whole post, just a link.

    Those extra three things will give you an extra entry.

    Creativity is welcomed, but only because it will make me smile and love you forever. Winners will be drawn using This giveaway is open to Australian and Overseas residents alike.

    One comment per person, unless you’re coming back to let me know about extra entries.

    The competition will close at 10pm EST (Australian Time)on July 2nd, which gives you a week.

    So, comment away!