My period was due over a month ago – and it didn’t arrive.
I vomited, I swung wildly between happy and angry and my sense of smell, well, wow. I felt pregnant.
And then subtly, I didn’t anymore.
Pregnancy tests, that I’d waited to take, said negative, backed up by a blood test from the doctor, which was mostly inconclusive, but still negative.
I got an almost, barely there positive test in the beginning. We couldn’t tell properly if there was a second line, it was so faint, and I figured that another test in a few days would show a proper result. Only it didn’t.
My doctors opinion, most likely a blighted ovum and something went wrong, early on, leaving me with barely any HCG by the time I had blood drawn. Let’s just wait until you bleed naturally. Or in another few weeks, we can put you on the pill and try and stimulate a period that way.
He didn’t want to investigate further and actually, I’m glad he didn’t. I knew I was pregnant, just like I know that something didn’t go right and I am not having a baby.
I continued to vomit, while still not being pregnant.
So I put myself on the pill, tablets I had left from the 6 weeks of bleeding prior to conceiving Isaac.
Monday night (while still on the pill) I started to bleed.
So it’s finishing and even as I’m cramping and in pain, I am glad to be getting it over and done with.
In my mind, I am losing a pregnancy, not a baby. Something went wrong when cell A tried to join to cell B and they didn’t equal a baby.
And that’s okay, it truly is.
And I’m okay. There were tears when I got the blood results and I’m missing my grandmother more and more,
but I am okay.
I’m phillisophical about the whole thing.
Except the cramping. That just kind of sucks.
I truly am okay, so please don’t feel sad for me. If you want, you can share your stories of loss here and we’ll all hold hands and smile wryly at each other. Plus, the lovely people at The Online Circle, sent me some Cadbury Fairtrade chocolate to try and that arrived today, which was lovely.
Mmmmm, tastes guilt-free.
(Actually, it tastes delicious. The ingredients are slightly different to the other block of Cadbury chocolate I had in the cupboard and the Fairtrade seems to be more … pure? somehow? Delicious anyway.)
In other news, I bought myself a Canon 100mm Macro lens for my camera and I am in love.