A lot has been said about the state of the Midland Highway and the recent roadworks at Constitution Hill. What I haven’t seen however, have been pictures of the giant mess that has been left behind by the contracted workers.
We drove down the Midland Highway yesterday, like we do most days of the week. Only this time, I had my camera at the ready and I took photos of the mess.
(Sorry about the quality of some of them, they were taken from a moving car.)
Now for my Mainland and International readers, the Midland Highway is the main highway connecting the north and south of the state together. There have been a lot of deaths on the road this year and the politicians are wondering why? This is why.
The shiny patches you can see here collect black ice in the winter. This is the start of the brand new piece of road put in in the last few months.
Something to keep firmly in mind as you drive down Constitution Hill.
On the left hand side, you can see a strip of road that is newer than the rest. This particular piece was replaced 4 times by my count and that is only what I saw being done. Every time it rained, the side of the road washed away.
A closer look at the patching that’s been done along the left hand side. The patching has been done with the ‘slick and smooth’ bitumen, making driving on this particular patch in the rain/ice a nightmare.
More patches. Remember, this is BRAND NEW road you’re looking at.
The intersection. This bit has been done and redone and then done again. It’s still patchy.
The change to extremely smooth bitumen happens on the worst possible part of the road. This corner collects black ice in winter and some days, it never defrosts entirely. A few years back, four student nurses were killed here in this exact spot. If I’d been using a wide angle lens, you probably would have been able to see the flowers placed by their family in this photo, just ahead of the truck.
Yet more patches. These ones are falling apart already.
It doesn’t take long for the patches to fall apart. You can see this happening here.
The intersection at Bagdad is a mess of patches. In the rain, the water sits on the road here and you have to guess at where your lines sit.
I took some more photos as we were coming home. These next few are taken while heading North along the Midland Highway.
Brand new road? Does it look like it?
Near Kempton, the road degenerates into a mess of potholes, which the Council fixes by turning into lumps instead.
Just past Kempton here.
You can’t deny that our Highway is a total mess, yet our Politicians keep doing just that. It’s not safe to drive on in good weather and when it rains or is icy, the road is positively deadly.
A lot of people have been complaining about the Midland Highway. This is why.