Author: Veronica

  • Isaac and sleep issues.

    Bendy Girl said something on my last post about Isaac and bedtime that made a lot of sense.

    Bendy Girl says:

    Poor proprioception might be something to do with why he still needs to be swaddled. Even now I can’t sleep without heavy enough bed covers to feel the pressure on me, I can’t feel the lighter covers & it makes me feel just ‘wrong’ can’t explain it any better!
    BG xx

    Which (again) was like a light going off in my head. I can’t sleep without heavy covers either. It makes summer less than fun, but it’s not that bad as I’m cold most of the time anyway.

    I thought about it and I agree. Isaac does had terrible proprioception. He has no idea where he is in relation to himself, which is fairly normal is a baby. They do grow out of it, but I’m assuming because of the Ehlers Danlos that it will take Isaac a little longer than other babies. He definitely has more issues than Amy did at the same age, but that’s another post all together. It’s also why the kids are being seen by the Paediatricians at the hospital, rather than their medical care being solely overseen by a GP.

    Keeping this in mind, last night I wrapped Isaac in one of our largest blankets that he loves. Sure it’s pink, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t care. One he was wrapped (and sleeping and moved to his cot) I covered him over with a heavy blanket folded in 4 like Mrs C. suggested.

    And then?

    He slept through the night.

    From 7.45pm to 5am he slept without a peep. At 5am when he woke up I fed him and he went back to sleep (easily!) until 7.15 when Amy screamed for me to wake up and woke him as well.

    I was a little grumpy with her.

    Fingers crossed that it wasn’t a fluke and that doing the same thing again tonight works.

    Cos uhm, yay.

  • Bedtime

    I place him down in his cot, firmly swaddled, awake and alone. Flicking the light off, I try to leave. For a moment, silence reigns before he unwraps himself and starts to babble. I walk out anyway, hoping that he doesn’t notice my exit.

    He doesn’t. At least, not yet.

    I sit down, revelling in the silence.

    It doesn’t last. It never does. Amy clings to my leg and Isaac starts to squeal. There is no sleep here; not yet anyway.

    Isaac starts to cry as Amy dances around in circles. Nathan’s computer game starts up, much louder than it needs to be. Sometimes I wonder if he needs his ears checking, that’s how often I find myself turning things down.

    For a moment though, it was quiet.

    It’s almost bedtime and then, I can wrap myself in the quiet.

    The noise of heavy breathing as everyone sleeps. Snuffles and sleep talking.

    I can’t wait.

    I like bedtime.

  • Small things:

    Nathan dislocated his thumb today while we were doing minor home improvements.

    The nice side of me went ‘shit! are you okay? show me? no, it’s back in, do you want a bandage?’

    The bitchy side of me went ‘see? now you know what it’s like. i do that multiple times a day. maybe you’ll be more sympathetic next time I tell you something’s popped.’

    The nice side of me won. I bandaged it and made sure it was fine. Poor baby.



    Remember the birds that fell from the sky? Apparently they’ve been dying of Salmonella.

    Which of course can be transmitted to humans, dogs and cats.

    All of which currently live on my property. With a metric shitload of sparrows.  And tank water.

    The joys.

    If I start vomiting, I’m declaring war on sparrows.

    Actually, I might do that anyway, vomiting or not.

    Death to sparrows.

    Just not salmonella death.


    Today I’m guest posting over at Sarcastic Mom’s. Sure, I wrote it when Isaac was 5 weeks old and I was sleep deprived and bitter, but oh well.

    Go read it.

  • Curled up

    Amy is crying. I flick on the hallway light and open the gate into her room. Birthday balloons litter the floor, I try not to trip. Reaching the bed unscathed I lay down next to her. She burrows into my arms.


    No you’re not. It’s bed time.

    I need an apple.

    You need to go to sleep.




    She can hmmmph with the best of them. Visions of teenagers flow through my head. God help me.

    Cuddle me?

    Of course. Come here.

    She burrows deeper.

    In the lounge room I can hear Isaac and Nathan talking.

    What did we do today?

    Daddy buyed me a flower.

    He did. What else?

    He buyed me chippies. And he buyed Mummy a drink!

    She didn’t notice the chocolates. That’s always a good thing. Sometimes a girl needs chocolates hidden in her underwear drawer, all for her.

    What else did we do?

    We play outside!

    I know. We dug a new garden?

    Yes. And Amy did play with Seven! YAY!

    And then you ran through the mud. And had to have a shower.

    And Daddy did growl.

    Because you ran inside with muddy feet.



    What else did we do?

    We went to MyNanny’s house!

    That was yesterday.

    Yeah. MyNanny’s house is empty.

    I know. We cleaned it out.

    MyNanny died.

    I know. I miss MyNanny.

    Me too. Say me too Mummy?

    Me too.

    We used to visit MyNanny.

    Yes, we did. What did we do there?

    We ate cake!

    [giggling] We did indeed.

    And read books?


    MyNanny is in St Johns.

    No sweetheart. MyNanny died. We’re very sad.

    My eyes start to prickle.

    We play in MyNanny’s bed!

    You did, didn’t you.

    And we cleaned out the drawers.


    Which, was harder than it sounds.

    MyNanny has gone away.

    Yes sweetheart. She has.


    I kiss her and she snuggles into her blankets. In the lounge room I can hear Isaac start to cry.

    I need to go now sweetheart, Isaac needs putting to sleep.


    Yes. He needs boobies.

    No! You stay here with me.

    Sweetheart, Isaac needs me too.

    No, he needs Daddy. You stay here.

    Nope. I’ve got to go. Here, come and kiss me.

    She kisses me, albeit reluctantly.

    Goodnight Amy.

    Goodnight Mummy.

    I love you.

    I luff you too.

    I climb out of bed and leave, flicking off the hallway light as I go. Behind me, Amy starts to sob quietly. She managed to sneak a mouthful of pie earlier and the gluten in the pastry has sent her spinning. I know she’ll be okay in a few minutes, although I worry about how she’ll be overnight.

    It’s been almost 12 weeks since Nan died. The grieving hits me harder now, even though it feels less socially acceptable. I keep myself tightly contained in order to keep my shit together. But don’t doubt it, this sucks still.

    Suddenly things are moving very fast. A real estate listing, an open home and whoosh, things are out of my grasp. I save the photos the real estate took, not knowing why. I just can’t bear to delete them.

    Things keep moving forwards. I don’t get a say in that.

    I’ll keep dealing with it as best I can. With silent tears and chocolates eaten in an empty bedroom.

  • Let’s talk about sleep. Or the lack thereof.

    Isaac is sleepless. He’s more sleepless than Amy was and seeing as how I named this blog ‘Sleepless Nights’ when she was 11 months old, that’s really saying something.

    He finishes cluster feeding at around 11pm, five hours after I’ve put him down for the first time. His cluster feeds are generally 5 minutes long, every 30 minutes or so. It would be lovely to have an early night, but I’m not kidding myself that it’s going to happen.

    At 11pm, I finally get to drag myself off to bed, content in the fact that Isaac is sleeping deeply. Only to have him start the night time feeds.

    Every hour, he wakes crying. On a good night, he’ll feed for twenty minutes and then sleep for forty minutes before waking again. On a bad night, like the last few we’ve had, he’ll feed for 20 minutes, goo and laugh at me for 20 minutes, feed for another 20 minutes before sleeping for, you guessed it, twenty minutes.

    Add, rinse, repeat.

    Over and over again.

    Some nights he’ll stay awake for 1-2 hours. Talking, gooing, feeding, crying. Everything except sleeping.

    It’s … wearing to say the least.

    Our days start at 5am. By the time I get Isaac back down for a nap at 7.30-8am, Amy is awake for the day, needing breakfast and playtime and snuggles and ohmygod.

    I’m a little exhausted.


    The doctor prescribed me some new anti-inflammatories recently. Which is great! My tense and sore muscles thank her.

    Only, there is one problem.

    Once my muscles are coaxed into relaxing by good drugs, I’m left rather floppy.

    No, scratch that.

    I’m left with fuck all stability at all.

    Apparently all my tensed and painful muscles are actually keeping all my joints together. Whodathunkit.

    Anyone else had any experience with anti-inflammatories causing floppiness issues?

    By 8am this morning, I’d relocated a good half a dozen joints god knows how many times. After the fourth wrist dislocation, I put a brace on. By lunch time, I’d removed the brace because I was only dislocating inside it. My hips popped in and out as I walked and I’m still not convinced that my elbow and ribs are all back in.

    It was a bad day.

    The actual dislocations are getting less painful, while the overall pain is getting worse. Trade-off I suppose. It’s rather disconcerting to feel your bones sliding against each other though. Especially when they won’t stay put.


    6am this morning found me curled up on the couch under a blanket while Isaac played on the floor next to me. I’d been trying to nap again, but he kept squawking at me and needing things. He’s finally worked out how to go forwards, as opposed to sideways or backwards, so he kept getting stuck and needing rescuing.

    I climbed off the couch and stood to put wood in the fire. A cat curled around my ankles, trying to make me break my neck. I shoved the wood in, shut the door and leant down to catch the cat. For once, it was easy. She was hungry and didn’t dart away.

    I walked past the couch, picking up my heatpack as I went. I opened the gate into the kitchen and walked towards the microwave.

    It was only the frantic scrabbling of the cat as I went to open the microwave door that had me realise that it wasn’t the heatpack that I was about to put into the microwave.

    It was the cat.

    Poor cat.

    God knows I wouldn’t have enjoyed having to run outside to rescue my heatpack from the icy ground after I threw it out of the kitchen window.

    Thank god I stopped in time.

    My feet would have been frozen.

    I shook myself to wake up, and ended up with things where they were meant to go. The cat out the window and the heatpack in the microwave.

    We won’t talk about how many attempts I had at making a cup of tea though. That’s just embarrassing.



    Hi, my name is Veronica and today, I almost microwaved the cat.

    How are you today?


    Edited to add:

    I forgot to mention. I was included in this shiny little list. I’m thrilled. 100 Most Bookmark Worthy Websites For Dr. Mums.