Dear Isaac,
Gosh we’re getting to spend some quality time together lately. There is no doubt about the fact that I find you simply delicious and could kiss you all day.
If you’re smiling and not sleeping at 4am, then I’m probably not in the right mood to appreciate your deliciousness. If you are still smiling and not sleeping 2.5 hours later at 6.30am, then I’m really in no mood for baby softness.
You know what happens shortly after 6.30? Your sister wakes up.
And sure, I could sleep while she plays in our child-proof house (child-proof in the sense that nothing can kill her. Not in the sense that she can kill nothing), but last time I did that things went terribly horribly badly wrong. So wrong in fact that I haven’t blogged about it yet because it was that bad.
(And because I’m hoping that Canon might just cover my camera, despite what Amy did to it being non-warranty covered damage. It may have involved my precious love of my life camera, a bored 2yo, a mother who fell asleep breastfeeding, a container and some water. It. Was. Bad.)
So baby boy, it’s now 11.26pm and on a regular night, you would have been asleep 3 hours ago. Funny how kids like to save up all their sleeplessness in order to wear down their parents. If you weren’t such a sunny child, I would suspect that you and Amy are plotting together.
Instead of being asleep properly though, you are cat napping. I know I have said this before, but cat naps are for cats. Not for babies. Stop it.
Waking up 20 minutes after you fall asleep screaming like a banshee is not good for me sweetheart. It makes Mummy tired. When Mummy gets too tired Mummy can’t sleep because Mummy vomits all night. Which in turn makes everything worse.
Worse than that though? If I get too tired, I cannot play fun games like aeroplanes, or bouncing, or tickle the baby, because I am just too tired. Then you get bored and you cry and I cry and it’s just a vicious cycle.
So really, wouldn’t it be easier to just fall asleep already for me? Like, right now?
I love you, even when you don’t sleep.
We’re both snuggled up in bed together at the moment. I’m playing on my laptop and Isaac is next to me in his three sided cot looking at the wall, playing with his hands and making noises. Sleep? Hahahaha.
Maybe later.
I think it’s The Revolution all over again. Sleep is for the weak.