Author: Veronica
I have an announcement.
Isaac? He sleeps better than Amy does. He is 11 weeks old.
Do you have any idea how tired that makes me? Because seriously, he is sleeping 6-8 hours overnight* and yet, I’m somehow managing to have to get up for Amy 3-4 times a night. Sometimes all she needs is a drink. Sometimes she needs a cuddle. Sometimes she needs to scream at me to ‘GO WAY MUMMY!’ Sometimes? She needs all three.
It’s exhausting.
So when I was woken up at godawful o’clock this morning to feed Isaac, I was looking forward to going back to sleep. I was not ready to be woken up by a toddler who had decided it was morning time. I was NOT ready for Isaac to decide it was morning time too.
Even worse? I wasn’t ready to look at the clock and realise that today? The clocks need to go back an hour.
It was bad enough that the clock said 6.30am when I stumbled out to the lounge room. Everything started to look infinitely worse when I had to change it back to 5.30am.
[For the record, Amy sleeps badly, so generally she makes up for this by sleeping in a little. Normally, I don’t have to start my day until 7.45 ish.]
Today is not a good day.
Dear Amy,
I could happily live out the rest of my life without ever hearing you yell ‘I’m still HUNGRY! Need FOOD!’ when there is still a full bowl of cereal in front of you. You are NOT still hungry, you are trying to see what else in the house might be better to eat than cereal. I’m not giving you sweets, or biscuits, even less so at breakfast time. SUCK IT UP and eat the dammed cereal already.
I will swap your cereal for an apple if you like. Even for toast. But if you specifically request rice bubbles and then after one bite start yelling ‘still hungry’ while the cereal sits there going soggy? I might get a little grumpy.
Maybe even more than a little grumpy. In fact, it is the one statement that is almost guaranteed to make my head explode.
Eat the food that you specifically requested already.
Love Mummy [who is so incredibly fucking sick of hearing ‘I’m still HUNGRY!! Need FOOD!!’ when there is still a shitload of food on your plate. So much so that I am having to restrain myself from swearing more. And if you read this when you are 15 and angsty, you can blame me for all your problems. That’s okay, I have broad shoulders. But you read this when you have a toddler? You will get where I am coming from. Eat the dammed food.]
Dear Isaac,
I love that you are sleeping for 8 hours overnight.
I don’t love that you are refusing to nap for longer than 10 minutes the other 16 hours in the day. Cat naps only work for cats. Stop it. By the time bedtime rocks around you are so tired all you can do is scream. I’m getting a little strung out here baby boy.
Love Mummy [who is exhausted, but at least a 10pm bedtime is better than last week when it was a midnight bedtime.]
Apparently dairy free also means chocolate free. And caffeine free. And chocolate biscuit free.
No cheese. No chocolate. No milk. No coffee. No cream. No ice-cream.
Hey, at least the rest of breastfeeding [for me] is easy.
Mum bought me some soy milk, so at least I can have a cup of tea.
Still. Sucks.
In conclusion. Daylight savings can go get fucked. Amy’s behaviour at the moment SUCKS. Isaac sleeps amazingly overnight, at the expense of day naps. I can’t eat chocolate or cheese, which almost makes eating not worth it at all and my house is covered in brains from the numerous head explosions I have been having.
Oh and I have buttons and Amy knows how to press them.
On the upside, Nathan managed to get himself into a standing position and hobble around for a bit yesterday. Yay for Advil.
*Okay, so once he has had his 8 hours in bed, he wants to get back up and party, so really, I’m having 16 hours of awake time from him, but WHATEVER. He is sleeping 8 hours IN A ROW, overnight. Something Amy can’t seem to manage.
Me: ‘Amy! Can yooooooou….. get Isaac’s dummy please?’
Amy: ‘Can yoooooooou…. get Amy ice-cream?’
I may possibly have been laughing too hard to respond. She didn’t get ice-cream. I didn’t get Isaac’s dummy.
Which, incidentally, he is taking very occasionally.
Telling Isaac good morning first thing of a morning, gets me the biggest smiles. It’s like he hasn’t seen me all night.
One wonders who he thinks is feeding and resettling him all night.
[Yes, she does talk in ALL CAPS and with exclamation marks]
Me: ‘Where?!’
Amy: ‘Dere! Dere! LOOK!’
Me: ‘Amy? Sweetie? That’s fluff.’
Amy: ‘Yes! A fluffy mouse!’
And here? I laughed so hard I cried.
Nathan hurt his back today. Twisted the wrong way and now can’t move at all. Which would be fine, was he not stuck flat on his back in the middle of the loungeroom floor. Anyway, we were talking about his pain and Amy…
Amy: ‘Daddy! Oh no! My back hurts Daddy!’
Nat: ‘Does it?’
Amy: ‘And my legs. Amy’s legs hurt. Oh no!’
Nat: ‘Really?’
[Amy flopped to ground and proceeded to flop around like a fish]
Amy: ‘Yes Daddy. Amy’s backs really hurts.’
We cracked up.
The Best Bits
Taken in a dark room with no flash and a 30sec exposure. Slightly desaturated in Photoshop.
Ah sleep. If only we were getting more of it! Am so thankful he didn’t wiggle while I was taking this.
Death! Death and destruction!
I keep finding dead mice in random spots.
The first one showed up in the bathroom. I was alerted to it’s presence by a yelling Nathan, who had me pick it up and throw it in the fire. [In his defence, he was just about to step into the shower and everyone knows you can’t deal with mice when you are naked]
The second one was in the middle of the study. Just laying there. I almost trod on it, which would have been unpleasant, because we all know what poison does to their insides. I can just imagine the squidge sound it would have made.
I mean, I knew it was going to happen when we poisoned them. Theoretically I knew.
I don’t think I was prepared for the dead mice to start appearing all over the house though.
It feels like it is only a matter of time before I go to put on a pair of socks, only to find dead mice inside them. Or pull out a pot from the cupboard to find a tiny little funeral taking place.
I don’t know what’s worse. To have them scurrying about, breeding and carrying disease, or dying in nooks and crannys where I may or may not find them.
Fun times.