I have comment fatigue.
You know what I mean. It’s where you are reading great blog posts, but trying to find something to comment that sounds the same inside your head AND in type is just too hard.
I’m always a little worried that what I type won’t come out the same way as I thought it. Maybe because things don’t have the same sound when you are reading them, as when you are writing them?
Who knows.
So I don’t comment.
I read and I think and I want to add something, but the simple act of adding my opinions to the (sometimes many) opinions that are already there is just too big a job.
And sometimes I worry that I will say something jokingly and it will be taken the wrong way and then someone will get all offended and I’ll have to explain myself, all the while getting more stressed about leaving comments and then things will just degenerate into a cycle of run of sentences and I will have to shut up and stop commenting for good.
Or maybe I’m just tired.
With a tendency to overthink things.
So if you haven’t had a comment from me for a while, it isn’t necessarily that I’m not reading, it’s simply that I cannot find the energy to add anything to the discussion. Sometimes I want to comment and just let people know that ‘Hi, I’m here reading you. I support what you’re saying’ but how do you say something like that without sounding weird.
Surely I’m not the only one who gets comment fatigue.
I’m having a bit of a CFS crash and burn at the moment. The antibiotics I am on, coupled with being home after hospital and my crappy immune system has knocked me for a six. Concentrating is hard, I am physically and mentally spent and everything is achey like I have the flu.
I know a few more days and I will bounce back and be fine, but until then, you can find me underneath my rock pretending that my panadol are lollies and that the world doesn’t exist.
Failing that, you can probably find me outside in the sun with a book, watching Amy play. Luckily she has been easy going lately.
But seriously, this post was meant to be about comment fatigue. Do you find it hard to comment sometimes? Is there any blog in particular that you feel out of your depth on?