Please ignore the fact that I am showing nothing but a tail and a bum, but this is my newest resident. Or it was.
I caught this with MY HANDS in the house today.
I was laying on the matress we had thrown into the middle of the loungeroom floor (it was cold, Amy was miserable and I was exhausted. Snuggling in the lounge all day sounded good) and I looked over towards the study.
ZIP! went a brown flash. ZIP! it went again. I bounced up, parked myself in front of the zippy mouse so that it was stuck in the corner (it was hiding behind the steam mop) and yelled for Nathan to grab me a glass so I could catch it.
Because CONTRARY to popular belief, I am actually quite soft hearted and have a hard time schwacking mice when I am presented with them.
Nathan handed me the glass and went and grabbed a cat, just in case.
I moved towards the mouse and the furry brown flash ZIPPED it’s way past me, into a pile of odd and ends. Nathan started lifting things and I held my trapper (the glass) ready.
[It was a very fast mouse]
The mouse zoomed past me AND….
Got itself hidden underneath the green article of clothing you see pictured above.
(Said green article is used to a) help keep my pants up and b) cover anything that might want to show when I have to unbutton my pants due to pregnancy.)
I darted over to the hidden mouse, cupped my hands around it and picked it up. The mouse squirmed ALOT and I may have squealed a little bit.
Nathan tried to rush me out of the door, as I frantically found the camera and snapped a photo. A cat was procured, the mouse’s tail was held (by me) and the mouse had a quick death.
At least, that is what I like to think. Once the cat got hold of it, I didn’t bother trying to keep an eye on them. I just put the cat outside and ran around gloating that I was super speedy mouse catching woman!
One down, who knows how many left to go. It’s going to be a long winter…
And we are almost there. I am 11 weeks and 3 days today and so far so good. The spotting has been mostly stopped for a while (I still have the occasional bit of pinkness, but nothing much) and I am still feeling decidedly pregnant.
Soon, very very soon, I will start watching for the end of the morning sickness and exhaustion. God knows I will be very happy to see the back of them.
In the meantime, I will be paying alot of attention to my belly. I started feeling Amy move at about 12 and a half weeks (I blame my skinniness) and I am definitely ready for it again.
Oh and I weighed myself the other day, I weighed 62kg (136lb) when I fell pregnant, when I weighed myself this time I was 57kg (125lb). Sigh. I suppose I will just have to hope that I manage to gain it back.