Author: Veronica

  • A Conversation I Had With Amy

    [Please note, all Amy’s yes and no answers were punctuated by wild shaking and nodding of her head]

    Me – ‘What would you like for tea?’

    Amy – ‘Tea?’

    Me – ‘Yes, tea.’

    Amy – ‘Tea? Hot! Please?’

    Me – ‘No, we aren’t having a hot drink. Would you like noodles?’

    Amy – ‘Noodles!’

    Me – ‘Yes?’

    Amy – ‘Yes!’

    Me – ‘Okay’

    Amy – ‘No!’ Shakes head.

    Me – ‘No?’

    Amy – ‘Yes!’

    Me – ‘Yes?’

    Amy – ‘No!’


    Me – ‘Would you like noodles? Or a sandwich.’

    Amy – ‘Sammich! Yaaaaay!’

    Me – ‘So you want a sandwich then?’

    Amy – ‘Sammich!’

    Me – ‘Okay, Mummy will make you a sandwich.’

    Amy – ‘No!’

    Me – ‘No?’

    Amy – ‘Yes!’

    Me – ‘Amy, would you like noodles? Or a sandwich?’

    Amy – ‘No.’


    Me – ‘Mummy will make you noodles then, okay?’

    Amy – ‘Look! Puppy! Tat! Catch dem! Nooooo, bad tat, bad Sedey (Seven), OUT!’

    Amy – ‘Mumeeeee, doe ‘way! Nooooow.’


    And that is where I gave up and made her 2 minute noodles for tea. She ate them all and completely forgot that sandwiches were also on offer. Tell me, why do I bother giving her choices yet?

  • Bathtime Kitteh

    I had to bath the kitten today. It was wet and rainy and muddy and then Seven dragged the poor kitten through the mud. (The Tortie is like the dog’s chew toy. Only she wiggles).

    So, instead of leaving the wet muddy kitten outside to clean herself, I dunked her into a bath full of warm water, swooshed her around and left her to dry next to the fire.

    Poor kitteh.

  • Whine Whinge Whine STOP

    I have been sick. I have been very very sick. My morning sickness seems to have metamorphasized into OMG I am going to die right now sickness and I am very miserable.

    It would even be okay if it was happening at the same time each day. If I knew ‘I will vomit each morning until 11.30am and then I will just feel slightly queasy’ then I could deal with it. However, it changes every day. Like yesterday? I was fine in the morning, rotten sick from 12pm-4pm and then queasy until 8pm when I was rotten sick all night.

    Today, I was mildly queasy until about 8pm and now I think I am going to die.


    So I am whinging to you.

    Anyone know any morning sickness remedies? I am already drinking lemon and ginger tea alot (from real gigner and lemon, because the tea bags don’t work too well) and trying to eat small regular meals, but I am just wondering if there is anything else I could be doing.

    Otherwise I will be off to the doctor for a prescription for Maxalone (anti-nausea tablets).

    In other, much happier, more exciting news, I GOT BROADBAND!!!

    Can you all jump up and down and scream alongside of me now? I am currently writing this, using my wireless, in bed. So pleased and OMG do you know how fast things are loading for me? I had no idea how slow my dialup was until I got to use the fast stuff.

    So now, I can view videos and comment easily! YAY!

    And I have a new addiction, it’s called Plurk. Lotus sent me an invite and told me it was like twitter on crack. It’s definitely like twitter on crack, but I like Plurk MUCH better. And even better, if you sign up using my linkies just there, you get to become…Da da daaaaaaa…instant friends with me! I mean, what could be better?


    So yes, there is my not so exciting news. I will be off to the doctor next week to get a referral for another ultrasound to see the little one. And probably a prescription to stop me being so sick.

    7 weeks 1 day. Yay!

    [Also, Lotus is running a Boobs competition with voting! Head on over and check out the boobs. Mine are there *cough* 13 *cough*}

  • Your Questions About Tassie Answered

    So, I went into town today and took some photos. I need you to bear with me because most of them (except the ones taken in the Cascade Gardens) were taken from a moving car as I tried not to puke. Photos will be shown after all the questions.

    Mrs C asks,

    OK. What is the official Tasmanian opinion on the Bugs Bunny Tazmanian Devil? How about the Queen and Prince Charles? And is that “going to school by radio” thing just a myth they tell us about here? Thought everyone outside the city did that.

    (Personally, I don’t like that lady Charles married, but I guess that isn’t really a representative “American” opinion.)

    Well, I have never really had an opinion on Taz. I mean, if you had seen the mess a real devil could make, you wouldn’t find him quite so far fetched. His ability to eat everything though is just silly. Devils eat pillows? HAHAHA. They are smarter than that. They generally eat carrion (read: road kill).

    The Queen is just the Queen. We all mocked her ‘wave’ as kids (and I admit, Nathan and I sometimes still do).

    People do go to school by radio, but not so much in Tassie. Tassie is so small (we could fit inside Victoria 3 times) that there is generally always a school close enough to bus too. The Mainland is a very different matter though, they have radio school there.

    Meh, I am not a big fan of Camilla either, but we all know Charles won’t be King anyway.

    Ree asked me ‘How far away is the city?’

    Hobart is about a 50 minute drive away from here. So not that far away really. I am closer to the South of Tassie than I am to the North.

    Hyphen Mama asked me,

    What’s it like to have Christmas in summer? Do you have different songs that don’t include “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas”? Frosty the snowman probably isn’t right up there for Christmas songs, either.

    I thought Australia was granted independence OF SOME SORT from England in 1900 or 1901?? I must be wrong.

    When you watch TV, what do you watch? Does Australia create big productions? (sorry, all I’m thinking of is the Wiggles).

    I had never really had to think about it, you know? I take so much of it for granted.

    Christmas in summer is great, we generally have a family ‘do’ with cold meats and various platters of food. Everyone helps themselves and it makes for a great day. Think warmth (although, the last few years have been pretty so-so) and alcohol and balloons and presents and food and more alcohol. In that order.

    Uh yeah, ‘scuse me while I brush up on my history. Mum will kill me, but I am pleading pukey Mummy Brain. I can’t think enough to make 2 min noodles let along think about history!

    We watch all the same shows you guys do, but our comedy is better. I watch Greys Anatomy, Ugly Betty, Kitchen Nightmares (Gordon Ramsey) all that kind of junk. We also get alot of British comedy as well.

    However, we only have a few TV channels. Until recently, we only got Southern Cross (this one shows Greys) WIN (Kitchen Nightmares), ABC and SBS. Then, they switched on our digital signal and providing you have a digital receiver (set top box) you can add ABC2 (good for kids shows) and TDT (very similar to Southern Cross).

    And I am too lazy to do links to the TV stations. Of course, if you are willing to pay, you can get Austar (pay TV).

    Witchypoo asked me about the snakes. However, I think snakes deserve a whole post of their own though, so I will do that soon.

    Now, for the photos of Hobart.

    The old gasworks tower.

    Our windscreen needed cleaning, just a little bit.

    The wharves. I loved walking around the wharves with Dad as a kid, because he would tell me who used to own and work the boats, what all the equipment was for and what boats he worked on. Not so much in this section though, as all I can really see are yachts and fishermen are never big fans of yachts.

    This was taken heading along the main street in a southerly direction (I could so be a weather presenter). See the old buildings?

    Ahhhhh, Mt Wellington. How I love thee.

    Such an old house.

    I haven’t seen the water level this high in years. I remember being a kid and watching the teenagers skateboard in there. No chance of that at the moment!

    Cascade Gardens. I used to run through here.

    The Brewery! Every Tasmanians favourite place. Nathan would love to work there. Hehe.

    Just a random shot of houses.

    Cresting the hill, heading back into town.

    A church.

    A random building. It’s pretty though, no?

    The clock at the corner of the bus mall.

  • Snippets. Sort of.

    Firstly, any questions you asked about Tasmania will be answered sometime this week (in the next few days). I really want to partner them with some photos of Hobart and surroundings and to do that I actually need to go into town.

    So please, if you have any more questions about what Tassie is like, or how things work, don’t hesitate to ask, I promise I will answer. With linky love too! (so, delurk and I will love all over you). And I promise I won’t find any questions stupid, or obvious or anything. No mocking allowed.


    Quite a few people have enqired as to how this pregnancy is going and my answer is wonderfully. And by that I mean that today I was too sick to function, had to nap as soon as Amy did, and haven’t really been able to eat anything.

    I think I can rest assured that at this point the little one is firmly attached and sticking around for a while yet. The bleeding/spotting has gone away and everything is feeling right on track (heartburn! bloating! nausea! aversion to smell!).

    I have been trying to make an appointment with the doctor, but I haven’t been able to get through (I think the Locum has broken the phone, cos my regular doctor is in Italy).

    I will be ringing them again tomorrow and asking for ANOTHER appointment, in order to get ANOTHER referral for ANOTHER ultrasound. Yeah, I want another ultrasound. I really REALLY want to see that little heart beating.


    My little sleepless angel (hahahaha) has been, um, sleepless lately. Waking up every 90 minutes between 12am and 6am. I know she has teeth cutting, but she also seems to be having nightmares. Generally all the wake-ups require is a pat on the head and a kiss and she is back asleep. Worse wake ups need a drink of water.

    Unfortunately, we have been having some times when she hasn’t wanted to go back to sleep AT ALL. I’m sorry sweetheart, but 3.45am is not morning time.

    Not at all.

    Damn teeth, silly nightmares.

    It’s a phase, it will pass. Sigh.


    Amy trod on me the other day and was generally being rough, I cried ‘Owwwwwwwwwwwww’ at her alot, mimicking what she does when she hurts herself.

    Her response? To cuddle my head into her chest, rub my hair and say ‘Shhhhh, Mumeee, is allright, I godda you. Shhhhhh’.

    Which strangely enough, is exactly what I do when she hurts herself.