Author: Veronica

  • Weekly Winners/Rant About WordPress Edition

    Okay firstly, WordPress? I LIKED the old layout. I knew my way around the old layout and then you go and change it on me? Hell. Anyway Weekly Winners thanks to the gorgeous Lotus. (Do you read her yet? You should, she is HAWT.)

    Okay, I think I’m set now. it just took me 5 mins to work out how to upload an image. Damn you WordPress *shakes fist*.

    Big Smiles!

    You know what sucks even harder? I can’t write the post while the damn picture uploads. *shakes fist harder*

    I’m getting peeved now. (Okay peeved is a VERY VERY MILD WORD [insert expletives of choice here]) I can’t make the photos upload any faster than one every 15 mins.

    See this? This is what happens when I ask Amy to smile for the camera. She thinks it is hilarious.

    It has been raining here for days, which is good because we do need the rain, however the cold and grey? I can do without. The grey however serves a purpose, in that it makes the rainbows look all the brighter. Yes, on the right hand side is a second rainbow. Not very bright, but there all the same.

    This is one of the kittens we decided to keep. She spends all her time annoying Seven (the puppy) and leaping in the air for moths.

    Amy has been cooped inside for a few days (see above: rain) so cabin fever has been a problem. Unfortunately she thought that hiding my camera was a great fun thing to do, so I have no photos of the havoc she has been causing. It took me 20 mins to find the camera so that I could take the photos of the rainbows.

    See this one though? It takes lots of concentration to try and steal the camera as I take a photo. LOTS of concentration.

    I promise I will have more photos next week. Next week I will even have ADSL (yes, I know, I was supposed to have ADSL last week. They messed up). Maybe tomorrow I will even get my linky thing to work rather than having to link everything by hand. Please let me know if anything is messed up or broken.

    See more Weekly Winners here!

  • Dear Amy,

    033.JPGDear Amy,

    You are one week off 19 mths old. Honestly, where does the time go? I swear I have lost the last 18mths. Someone asked me how old I was the other day and I seriously had to think about it.

    Your teeth must have stopped hurting for a bit because you have been pretty nice to be around lately. The sleep thing still isn’t amazing, but anything was going to be an improvement. Thankyou for not waking up 100 times a night. I really do appreciate it.

    However, Mummy’s bench is NOT a place for you to sit when I turn my back. I know you were playing nicely with the stuff up there, but Sweetie? We don’t sit on the benches.

    Also, I know that you like to play with Seven and she loves you, but you really don’t need to empty the baskets of clean washing just to bury the dog. I know it is funny to watch her try and squirm out from under the pants, jumpers, t-shirts and sheets, but Mummy had all that stuff put there neatly. Having to refold it wasn’t on my list of things to do today.

    [Things that were actually on my list today? Nap as soon as Amy does. List status? Completed. MMmmmmm]

    Other things that weren’t on my list today were – cleaning up the polystyrene ball that you gave Seven to chew on, trying (and failing) to re-splice the phone line back together, cleaning up all the tissues, baby wipes and nappies that you decided to throw about like confetti and removing tomato juice and pips from every available surface.

    That said, thankyou for having such a lovely nap and for being good for Daddy when you woke up. Mummy really needed that extra hour.

    Also, have I told you how cute your talking is lately?

    You have gone from screaming about being terrified of moths, to catching the moths, throwing them in the air and crying ‘Mof fly down! YAY!!!’ and clapping.

    Also, the fact that you can roll all over the puppy, squash her, kiss her, point out all her features ( ‘Nooooose! Mouf! Teef! Eeeeeeyes! Head! Hair! Fooooots!) only to have her roll over and lick your cheek is amazing.

    We bought a potty for you yesterday. So far it hasn’t been used, but that hasn’t stopped you sitting on it at every opportunity and proclaiming ‘Yay!’ and clapping when you stand up, even though you haven’t done anything in it. However, I am just happy you will sit on it.

    Anyway child, there are many other things I could say but I have a good book calling me and internet that refuses to load even a quarter of what I want to look at.

    Love Mummy.

    [ADSL should be connected by the 2nd of April. Bring it on!] 

  • A Conversation With My Brother

    Dave – ‘Hey Ronni! What are these?’

    Veronica – ‘Condoms. Duh!’

    D – ‘There are heaps here.’

    V – ‘I know, we never used them.’

    D – ‘They are studded! Dude!’

    V – ‘You can have them if you like’ (although god knows what he will use them for. Water balloons? God, I hope so.)

    D – ‘Awesome! Thanks Ronni.’

    V – ‘You’re welcome.’

    D – ‘I think flavoured condoms would be better for you guys anyway.’

    V – ‘Uh, flavoured condoms taste like crap. Plastic crap.’ *shudder*

    D – ‘No! These ones taste nice.’

    [Oh god, how does he know that? Had he been trying them himself? DUUUUDE!]

    V – ‘Dave, I think it is impossible for condoms to taste nice.’

    D – ‘No, these ones really do…’

    V – ‘Dave, if I wanted Nat to taste like something, I have a perfectly good bottle of chocolate sauce in the cupboard.’

    D – ‘Dude! I didn’t need to know that!’

    [David has gone green and shaky looking]

    V – ‘You forget, we are trying to GET pregnant, not PREVENT pregnancy.’

    D – ‘Uh…um…uh…’

    V – ‘That was so worth it to see your face. Keep the condoms.’

    D – ‘Uh, thanks.’

    V – ‘You’re welcome.’

    Disclaimer. I promise tomorrow I will be back to talking about regular fluffy (ie: not sex) stuff. No wait, actually I can’t make that promise. You know, something might come up that needs sharing.

  • Dear Libido,

    OystersWelcome home! I’m not entirely sure where you have been, the Mediterranean perhaps? Because goodness knows you have returned perky and in good health. Which is rather contrary to the last month of drought, dry and despair you left me with. Nathan thanks you for that by the way.

    Now Libido, you timed your return brilliantly in order to be here for the impending baby making of this month, however we seem to have a small problem.


    [Not properly anyway]

    And you know, that makes me just a touch stressed (like head explodingly stressed) because my rather unliked friend, The Period has decided to stick around for a little while longer.

    [It has taken up nearly double it’s alotted time frame for ruining my quality of life and of sex for that matter]

    Now, I know my doctor told me that if The Period decided to hang around, then I should take another month of the pill, but honestly Libido, I know that it scares you away and that in turn makes me rather grumpy.

    [No orgasms make for an uptight housewife. Just sayin’… You know, I scrubbed my walls today and did all the laundry…]

    Hopefully we can come to some sort of arrangement because Nathan’s Libido is missing you and somehow blowjobs just aren’t doing much for me.

    [Go figure]

    So Libido, what I am asking you is can you talk to The Period and tell it (and it’s goddamn cramps) to fuck off already? Because I am rather over it and my wrist is going to get sore sooner rather than later.

    And plus you know, the baby making can’t start until I stop facking bleeding.

    Lovingly (because I missed you)

  • OMFG and More Poo and Some Blood

    020.JPGYou know my daughter? The sleepless one? She has me worried*.

    Tonight after dinner she played. Then she wandered down the hall to her bedroom, stood at the gate and asked for her bottle.

    So I dressed her in her pajamas, gave her a fresh bottle of water and cuddled her in bed for 2 mins. Then I left her.

    She fell asleep!!!

    All by herself and all before 7.20pm.

    Can you feel the relief positively oozing off me?


    Remeber how yesterday I mentioned another poo incident? (Yes, it does make 2 incidents in 3 days. Yes, I am a lucky lucky mother)

    Well, the second time I took photos.

    (Don’t you just love me? Sharing, caring. That’s me!)


    I also took photos of Amy’s pooey feet, but they ended up blurry. Whoops.

    And then we had a slight incidence with Amy falling and landing on an egg cup and cutting her ankle. Let us just say that there was blood. Alot of blood. And tears. Alot of tears.

    However a Mummy kiss, boobs and a bandaid makes everything better. Once she realised that the bandaid had to stay on, she was off and racing again.


    This is the ankle AFTER pressure was applied, boobs were administered and the bandaid had been on for 5 mins.

    Poor little pet, the bandaid stuck to the scratch (yes, it is only a scratch) this morning and had to be pulled off. My solution? Remove all the sticky bits and let her do the painful part herself. We had no tears. Woo!


    *I’m not really worried about her.