Okay firstly, WordPress? I LIKED the old layout. I knew my way around the old layout and then you go and change it on me? Hell. Anyway Weekly Winners thanks to the gorgeous Lotus. (Do you read her yet? You should, she is HAWT.)
Okay, I think I’m set now. it just took me 5 mins to work out how to upload an image. Damn you WordPress *shakes fist*.
You know what sucks even harder? I can’t write the post while the damn picture uploads. *shakes fist harder*
I’m getting peeved now. (Okay peeved is a VERY VERY MILD WORD [insert expletives of choice here]) I can’t make the photos upload any faster than one every 15 mins.
See this? This is what happens when I ask Amy to smile for the camera. She thinks it is hilarious.
It has been raining here for days, which is good because we do need the rain, however the cold and grey? I can do without. The grey however serves a purpose, in that it makes the rainbows look all the brighter. Yes, on the right hand side is a second rainbow. Not very bright, but there all the same.
This is one of the kittens we decided to keep. She spends all her time annoying Seven (the puppy) and leaping in the air for moths.
Amy has been cooped inside for a few days (see above: rain) so cabin fever has been a problem. Unfortunately she thought that hiding my camera was a great fun thing to do, so I have no photos of the havoc she has been causing. It took me 20 mins to find the camera so that I could take the photos of the rainbows.
See this one though? It takes lots of concentration to try and steal the camera as I take a photo. LOTS of concentration.
I promise I will have more photos next week. Next week I will even have ADSL (yes, I know, I was supposed to have ADSL last week. They messed up). Maybe tomorrow I will even get my linky thing to work rather than having to link everything by hand. Please let me know if anything is messed up or broken.