Author: Veronica

  • Truthiness

    Somehow as I was cutting vegetables for soup, I tried to chop my finger off.

    Can we say ouch?

    So after lots of bleeding (many many tissues and a tea towel goot soaked through) I have a finger that is just about useless and a touch painful.

    You know, I took photos, but I don’t think they are entirely appropriate for a blog. I mean, unless you are all into blood and gore? I didn’t think so.

    So, without too many words, because it is hard to touch type minus one finger, I present you with truthiness.

    [Because all the cool kids are doing it. Because I had nothing better to write about, unless you really want to see photos of my finger? I thought not.]

    I think Sweetney came up with the idea. Then a whole other bunch of cool bloggers shared, so I am going to as well. You can totally blame these ladies for this horrible photo of me. Her Bad Mother, Oh The Joys, IzzyMom, Mrs. Flinger, Motherbumper, Mamalogues, Breed ‘Em And Weep, Redneck Mommy, Sarcastic Mom and Dawn.

    Here I am, first thing in the morning.


    You’re totally jealous of my hair, aren’t you. I can see it in your eyes (hiding away behind the mirth).

    The scarier thing? It is now nearly 8 hours later and I haven’t brushed my hair yet. Run my fingers through it and tied it back properly, but I haven’t brushed it.

    Maybe because the toddler and the puppy have lost the brush.


  • Common Misconceptions

    I watched a kids TV show about animals the other day. It was an American show (or maybe Canadian, not sure) and there 1312koala-posters.jpgwere SO MANY mistakes. I would like to clear some of these up.

    Koalas are called koalas. Not koala bears and in reality they have nothing in common with bears. Okay? Moving on.

    Onto the magnificent platypus. It is not called a duck-billed platypus. Yes, it may have a bill that looks likplatypus.jpge a duck, but it also has a tail that looks like a beaver and we don’t call it the beaver-tailed platypus, do we? Also when talking about them, we say one platypus, two platypi. Not platypusses.

    I used to go fishing with my Dad in a certain river close by and if I sat very quietly I was pretty much guaranteed to see a platypus. They truly are amazing to watch in the water. Unfortunately they have a tendency to try and steal your bait (and hence, get caught in the fishing line) so in the end I sat and watched and gave up on the trout.

    echidna.jpgEchidnas. Pronounced E-kid-nah. The show I was watching called them extrememly rare and told us that you weren’t likely to see them. Maybe in some places echidnas are rare, but here in Tassie I see them all the time. Not quite so often that I have stopped paying attention, but probably one a week through Spring Summer and Autumn.

    Echindnas and Platypi belong to a very small (ie: they are the only animals in it) group of mammals called monotremes. Basically, they lay eggs like a bird, but they suckle their young like a mammal. kookaburra.jpg

    Kookaburras. Pronounced Cook-ah-buh-ruh. Not any of the other mangled ways I have heard it said. Yes, they are native to Australia, but not to Tasmania. I reserve the right to hate them greatly.

    070514_austral_kangaroo_vlrg_8awidec.jpgNow for the contentious issue of the Kangaroo. Yes, we eat the Kangaroo. Yes, we cull the Kangaroo (not nearly enough, my freezer is SO empty). YES, okay I get it. We are the only country that kills and eats it’s National emblem.

    You do know that the kangaroo (and it’s smaller [and tastier] counterpart the wallaby) is at plague proportions, right? That there are thousands of them stripping farmers land of good stock feed, eating the crops and generally making a nuisance of themselves. WHILE we are in the middle of a drought.

    We NEED to cull them, or risk being over run like we were with the rabbits (which incidentally are havoc creating animals and taste delicious roasted [with bacon]).

    Also? Unlike Skippy, kangaroos do NOT call for help. They do NOT run back to the farm and raise the alarm when you have fallen down a cliff and they do NOT make clicking sounds. They make look at you a bit oddly as you lay there crying for help at the bottom of said cliff, but they are not in essence, helpful animals.

    They may also beat you up if you annoy them, or intrude onto their territory.

    So there you go. I am sure there are many many more things that I will discover wrong in TV shows as Amy and I watch them. Don’t worry, I will keep you posted.

  • Top Momma!!!

    Wow! Somehow I ended up on Top Momma! I signed up MONTHS ago and trust me, it isn’t the best photo of Amy.


    But I would totally appreciate it if you could go over and click on this photo of Amy 1413.jpg. Please?

    Click click click.

    Because I would be totally embarrassed if I got kicked off Top Momma the first day I was there.

  • Can’t Hack It

    pill2.jpg I had to stop my pill today a few days early. The fact that I spent most of the day crying over EVERYTHING was kinda that straw that broke the camels back.

    I couldn’t do it anymore.

    I KNEW the pill made my illness worse.

    I KNEW the pill made me horribly depressed.

    I KNEW the pill was the spawn of Satan and should be treated accordingly (ie: NOT swallowed).

    Hopefully it will get it’s insidious little fingers out of my system fast so that I can start to heal. Because I really need to be well again, at least for a while.

    Keep your fingers crossed that I don’t go back to bleeding incessantly.


    After one of those fights with Nathan today  (you know those fights. They go “When do I get time off?! I can’t keep doing this without a break! I am tired and sick and lonely!) I have come to the conclusion that in order to be a good mother, I actually need some time away from Amy occasionally.

    This is hard for me to write, because I always equated ‘good parenting’ with being there all the time, on hand all the time.

    (Yes, shoot me now. I am stupid)

    So I am tired and worn out. I yell too much and I am stressed alot of the time.

    I need a break.

    I am sick of yelling at Amy, Seven, Nathan, the toaster, the TV and anything else that may annoy me. I am sick of feeling so stressed.

    We are in the process of discussing sending Amy to a home based carer for one morning a week. At least then, I would get some time off. Nothing is decided yet, but we have an info pack arriving in the mail so we can do some research.

    The social factor will also be good for Amy. She doesn’t get to play with other children on a regular basis since getting to my mothers group became hard to manage.

    Like I said, I need a break.

  • Weekly Winners!


    As always, thanks to Lotus for hosting this!

    Hopefully this wil be the last week I have to try and see everyone amazing photos using dialup. HOPEFULLY by this time next week I will have super fast internet that will mean I don’t spend all my time waiting for things to load.

    Now, for the photos.



    My messy kitchen. Okay, it wasn’t that messy, just a touch disorganised still.


    We could see the smoke from a bushfire the other day. Luckily the firies were able to put it out nice and fast. This photo is from after the smoke had mostly cleared.


    You know I love my sky, right?


    This is my other cat, Tilly. She lives with Mum and is THE best cat ever. So placid and she adores Amy. Her only fault? She has a tendency to make me laugh so hard because she sits with her tongue out. I had to mark my URL because I am sure funny cat pictures get stolen regularly.


    I didn’t know until I was wandering around the other day, but look! I can see an old church.


    Tiff, thankyou so much. The booties live underneath my pillow.


    See more Weekly Winners here.