Oh internet, I am shattered after this afternoon. They recannulated Evelyn in order to take lots of blood, only to have the line kink and require lots of fiddling with.
Eventually they got the line working again (I’ll point out here that it was nothing anyone did wrong, just a thing that happens), while Evelyn cried, loudly. Sucrose, normally the liquid saviour of the gods – or more accurately the saviour of tiny babies undergoing painful procedures, helped, but it wasn’t as good as previous times.
Eventually it was done though and thus began the lumbar puncture ordeal.
The first needle got us nothing. The second needle got us blood. The third try got us mixed spinal fluid and blood, but not enough to be useful for testing.
The doctor was so apologetic, but she will have to have another lumbar puncture tomorrow.
It wasn’t easy to watch. She screamed so hard that she turned blue. Then once it was over, she was pale and miserable, until I managed to feed her. She sweated everywhere and gave herself a heat rash.
I was fine during it, but I’m not sure whether I want to cry or throw up more now.
And we have to do it all again tomorrow.
In the meantime, our Paeds (who are a great team, by the way) continue to consult with the Royal Melbourne Children’s Hospital, and I have to try and film more seizure activity.
It can only get better, right?