We were hoping to take Evelyn home today after her discharge from NICU yesterday. Unfortunately, while her bilirubin levels are below the cut off line, they have increased overnight, in quite a big jump.
This means that we could take her home tonight and then bring her back tomorrow – knowing that she would likely need phototherapy and a few days in NICU, or, we can re-admit her today to spend 24 hours wrapped in a biliblanket.
Luckily, the family room is available, so I will be spending another day in hospital here with Evelyn, hoping that she is improved by tomorrow.
The bonuses of this are that I shouldn’t have to use the hand pump that the hospital loaned me to express once I get home (the ever gorgeous Kate has posted me an electric pump and I am so grateful I will kiss her the next time I see her) and that I will have my own room for a little bit, with Evelyn rooming in and hanging out in her cool blue light blanket.
She’s still feeding really well, better in fact than when she was still in NICU, and is latching perfectly. Her weight loss has been minimal (30g in the last 2 days, but she did wee everywhere shortly before her weigh in) and she is waking herself for feeds.
All very good signs.
Edited to clear up confusion! The hospital has awesome electric pumps, I was talking about the hand pump they’d loaned me to take home, while I waited for Kate’s in the mail.