When I was little, probably about Amy’s age, I wanted pet mice. I wanted pet mice so badly that it made my teeth ache. The thought of little white furry mice that were MINE was enough to send me into paroxysms of delight.
My parents however, were not impressed with my choice of desired pet, insisting that there were enough bloody mice running around in the roof and why would we want pet white mice? I think they thought that inevitably, my mice would escape and we’d end up with little white mice running riot through the entire property.
They were probably right.
You see though, I wanted a boy and a girl mouse. I wanted to breed them and have babies and set up a large mousey empire. I wanted to be queen of the rodents, wielding the power of life and death with a single decision.
It was a relatively simple idea.
I loved my cat.
My cat loved mice.
Therefore, in my mind, the best thing I could possibly do for my beloved cat was breed her an endless supply of fattened mouse treats.
I think once my parents knew what I wanted to do with the mice, they were impressed with my reasoning and a little concerned with how bloodthirsty I was.
Needless to say, it wasn’t until I was much older that I got pet mice, and I was absolutely forbidden to breed them.
Which is a shame, because I could just see myself with minions and a scepter.

Did your parents destroy your dreams when you were a child?