Author: Veronica

  • Showcase Tasmania: Natures Path

    I could smell the Natures Path stall from metres away while walking towards it. That was the first thing I noticed, the amazing smell.

    The second thing was that of course, the smell was coming from the gorgeous soaps on display.

    Natures Path make a range of different soaps, all made from pure olive oil and scented with only essential oils. That isn’t the best thing however. While they smell amazing, they feel even better. Silky smooth and luxurious, I am really loving how my skin feels after a shower.

    I was lucky that Frogpondsrock found Natures Path at the Salamanca Markets and then in turn, pointed me towards them, because as well as soap, they make and sell tea.

    What could be better? Two of my luxury items found at the same stall!

    Now, I’ve only tried their Pure Olive Oil Soap (which is meant to assist with dermatitis, eczema and healing – and Isaac’s eczema behind his knees has quite improved), but I have plans to get to the Markets again sometime soon, and buy some pretty smelling ones as well. The apple, mint and green clay soap sounds interesting, as does the grapefruit, lime and calendula soap.

    I also got to try some of their tea, a nice stomach soothing blend, because of the EDS and nausea issues.

    I’m not entirely sure it helped, but I can tell you that I didn’t throw it back up again, so that is a bonus. While I’m uncertain about it’s nausea fighting abilities, it was a really nice mint based tea to sip of an evening, while I bothered twitter with inane updates.

    You can find Natures Path online here, or at Salamanca Market each week – OR, here is a list of where their products can be found across the country.

  • Sunday. Holy crap, it’s Sunday?!

    I’m having a little trouble with the fact that it is SUNDAY already, which effectively means that I have only thirteen days until our wedding. Time slips away, like water, it feels.

    This was my photo for the ABC Open 11.11.11 11.11 project. I was a little short on snapping time, but there you go.

    Spitfire caterpillars.

    Lady bird sex!

    Tasmanian Sunset

    And finally, this from Google that I screenshotted yesterday. It appears the Internet truly DOES know everything about me. Thanks Google, it made me smile.

    More photos at Frogpondsrock.


  • Happy Birthday to me!

    This is my present from Amy.

    It’s her and Isaac, outside throwing a ball, while ducks fly overhead.

    It is absolutely the best birthday card I’ve ever gotten.

    I’m twenty three today and feeling good about the whole thing. I think I might have finally caught up to my mental age (a screamy baby and no sleep, like ever, makes you feel much older than seventeen) and I think twenty three suits me.

    Amy also did Nathan a drawing.

    On his back.

    When he refused to wake up.

    It’s a parrot. You can see it’s beak to the right and the eye at the top (including a pupil). And then it’s “all curled up” according to Amy. Made me laugh anyway.

    And, I tried to take a photo of myself, for a record of how I looked at twenty three. But the camera wouldn’t play nicely, so this is the best you get:

    I didn’t realise how weird my hands looked until I checked the photo out on the computer. But you know what? That’s actually a pretty accurate representation of me lately.

  • This Uncharted Hour #uncharted2011

    I was lucky enough to be invited to a preview performance of This Uncharted Hour today, which is set to be playing at The Theatre Royal this weekend. Once I got over my excitement that there were THINGS happening in Tassie and inviting interested people from twitter to attend, I RSVP’d and got quietly excited.

    “While driving, a young man kills a dog. This accidental event steers him unexpectedly to the house, now abandoned, where he grew up. As he moves from room to room, he releases memories and ghosts of the lives lived within its walls and exposes a long held family secret.

    A secret which stopped time – leaving a woman trapped by memory; a son groping for answers; a husband with his lover; and a revelation that blasts their world with light.

    This moving drama is written by the astounding young Tasmanian-based Finegan Kruckemeyer who in 2011 will have 14 productions playing on five continents.

    Complemented by a live performance of Matthew Dewey’s original musical score, and elegantly staged by eminent Tasmanian director/designer Robert Jarman, this graceful and profound play will resonate with you long after you leave the theatre.”

    The lighting and cello combine to make this a hauntingly beautiful production, and there was not one word spoken by an actor that was unbelievable. The writing was sublime and served to draw you into the story and keep you there.

    We had been warned previous to the performance that this was a dress rehearsal only and to expect scenes to be re-run, or things to be tweaked mid-performance, so I was a little stunned to see a perfect run through, with everything going to plan.

    It was truly a spectacular way to spend an afternoon and I urge you, if you’re in Tasmania, buy tickets and go along. You will NOT be disappointed and I dare you not to cry during it.

    You can download the program here, which has ticket prices and times, or you can book tickets online here.


    I was not paid for this post and while I was asked to tweet about it, I wasn’t obliged to write a blog post. I’m writing one anyway, because the play is truly worth seeing and I’d like to share that with you.

  • Justifiable Homicide

    “Nathan, I swear to god, if you do not stop snoring right now, it will be justifiable homicide and I WILL NOT DO TIME.”

    It was just before 5am and I had two hours until my alarm went off. None of that meant anything when the animals woke me up. The absolute worst sound at 5am is a cat fight happening in your loungeroom, with two dogs joining into play “referree”.

    I had stumbled out of bed to let them all outside – some of them with a shove, before climbing back into bed and having my ears assaulted by the sounds of a suffocating elephant.


    It wasn’t working and I had tried all of my tricks that I use, including but not limited to, kicking, swearing, poking, elbows and leg hair pulling. The last one usually worked a treat, but not this time.

    It took nearly 15 minutes of increasing grumpiness of my part and then finally, just as I’d threatened to murder him, and was contemplating getting back out of bed to grab a glass of cold water to tip on his head, he rolled over and shut up.

    I would like to have it on the record that I didn’t punch him in relief and despite being really very grumpy, I kept my elbows to myself.

    He’s very lucky that I love him.