
If I ever leave the house again…

by Veronica on September 23, 2010

in Sponsored Posts

This post sponsored by Nuffnang


The HP Wireless e-All-In-One Printer. I was sort of hoping that in order to do a sponsored post for HP, that they’d give me a printer to try out. We don’t have one at the moment and it’s a pain. Then I looked around my ‘office’ and my lack of space and figured that any printer I had would be likely to end up full of crayons and 20c pieces and decided that maybe we’d wait a little longer before buying a printer. Like maybe we’ll sell this house first or something.


The printer. Apparently, it works via the InterWebs, meaning that you can print things at home, no matter where you are.

I can just imagine how awesome it would be for teenages.



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Oh, the possibilities are endless.

I like the idea. Being able to print photos at home while you’re on holiday, sending messages to your spouse while you’re at the supermarket, bothering your teenage children, it’s all a pretty cool idea. Maybe not exactly what HP thought of when they designed it (I imagine they had people at work in mind, being able to print things to your home computer, while you’re at work), but it’s exactly the way my mind works.

It’s just a shame I don’t have teenagers yet, or a printer to try out.

But hey, you might end up with a printer, simply by reading this!

Tell me in the comments how you would most like to use the HP Wireless e-all in one printer (that’s a mouthful, yes?) and you’ll go into the draw to win a printer. Lucky you.

You can find more info about winning a printer here and as always, please read the terms and conditions [PDF].

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Australian Blogging Conference

by Veronica on September 19, 2010

in Blogging

The website is live and launched and from 9am, you’ll be able to buy tickets to the Conference! Early bird rates only last for a fortnight, so get in early, okay?

Montage by the ever lovely Kate at Picklebums.

I am so looking forward to this, especially getting to meet some of my very favourite bloggers.

Come along and not only will we stuff your head full of information and stories about blogging, but we’ll feed you and invite you to our (optional) dinner and dance afterwards. I’m sure none of the photos will get used for blackmail though, right?

AND you’ll get to meet me, as I flit around with my other partners in crime Brenda, Nic, Tina and Karen, making sure everything goes well!

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Mickey and the Great Outdoors

by Veronica on September 14, 2010

in Sponsored Posts

This post sponsored by Nuffnang



Amy: ‘Mummy! What is it? What is it?! What was in the mail?’

Me: ‘It’s a DVD.’

Amy: ‘YAY! A DVD!’


Amy was thrilled, as always when a DVD arrived in the mail. And like always, she insisted we watch it as soon as possible. I’m a big meanie however and am trying to limit the TV, so I waited until I was in need of a break.

She’s been tough to live with lately, bouncing off the walls, screeching, turning the volume up on everything and racing around like a mad woman, so after a major meltdown I was very ready for an hours peace while she snuggled on the couch with her brother watching Mickey and the Great Outdoors.

A tearstained face and a horse backpack to cuddle, coupled with the DVD seemed to help.

This time, Mickey and his mates head to the great outdoors and practise their teamwork solving problems, as they travel around the countryside.

The Mickey DVD was great for Amy. It held her attention and if the amount of times she’s asked to watch it since are anything to go by, it’s quickly becoming one of her favourites. I’d like to say she enjoys the problem solving, but with Amy, I’m never sure how much of it she’s taking in. She definitely enjoys shouting along with the characters and anything that gives me 10 minutes peace is a good thing in my opinion.

And Isaac is always a fan.

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How to make blogging easier.

by Veronica on September 9, 2010

in Blogging

I suffer from blank page syndrome. As soon as I sit in front of the computer, I forget everything I was going to write about. The blinking cursor appears to mock me, until I click away and do something else. 20 minutes later, as I’m washing dishes/reading a book/changing nappies I’ll be struck with a brilliant idea for a post! and then it takes me 20 minutes to get near the computer again, at which point I’ve forgotten it again.

Which meant that most of my blog posts were done on the fly, just jotting down whatever was in my head.

It worked and it didn’t work badly, but I was forgetting so many things.

So I bought a notebook. I know! Insanely simple. You probably all do this already.

It’s nothing special, but of an evening, in the 10 minutes before I go to sleep, I try to jot down as many post ideas as possible. Things I want to write about, things I think you’d be interested in reading about, just general stuff.

And then the next day, when I’ve got time, I sit down with the book and remind myself what I was planning on blogging about.

It’s meant that I’ve been able to write and then schedule blog posts, which in turn takes the ‘I MUST POST’ stress off me and means I actually remember to blog things. Which is kind of extraordinary for someone as disorganised as I am.

I’ve been blogging for three years now, why didn’t I think of this sooner? I’m a bit of an idiot sometimes.

Plus, having posts scheduled means that they go up at the same time, all the time, rather than one post being published at 7am and another at almost midnight. I can write when I want and everything seems to fall together better.

Also, it seems that writing is like sex. The more you do it, the more you want to and the better you get. So I’m also writing more, even if I’m not posting more.

What do you do to stop blog fatigue and come up with post ideas? Do you plan your posts ahead, or do you write them on the fly, when inspiration strikes you?

(Not saying one is better than the other, just saying that planning and scheduling ahead seems to be working better for me than writing on the fly. Of course, it takes some work to get ahead, I actually used some reposts and some guest posts to get myself ahead and scheduling. So you know, feel free to steal my idea.)

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We’re all human here in this giant blogosphere and that means human things, like bad days, or flippancy don’t always translate to the written word. Sometimes, it only takes something very small to set of a chain of events that leave you watching, wondering how did that happen?

I wasn’t part of this one, just a witness after the fact.

Twitter is, by it’s nature, an extension. An extension of us, of our blogs, of our websites. It doesn’t matter how much we might try, we can’t explain ourselves fully in 140 characters. God, I’ve had trouble explaining myself completely in 1000 words!

Another problem with twitter, is that if you’ve been unfollowed, everything you say after that point is moot, because they can’t see it.

I witnessed this this week and thought it interesting, how something so simple, could spiral downhill so quickly.

The tweets following are from @TotalArtSoul and @frogpondsrock respectively.

Please note, I am not taking sides with EITHER person, I just thought it was interesting.

At which point, Total Art Soul blocked and banned @frogpondsrock and left in a huff.

Which proves my point, that 140 characters is not enough to explain yourself, or to ask questions or make statements if someone is having a bad day.

Total Art Soul is a forum for artists. Unfortunately, not everyone who signs up for forums has time to be an active member and I can vouch for Frogpondsrock being a VERY slack member, as I’ve seen it first hand on AMB. Hehe.

However, MY issue with this whole thing is something different:

When does supporting your community and helping out other people on the InterWebs, start being a push/pull shared thing?

Is there a point when you look at what you’re doing for your community and decide that it isn’t worth it? That YOU aren’t getting enough out of it personally to bother promoting anymore?

If you run a forum, you help to publicise your members, you RT links, you share experiences and you do all that without any glory, because it’s part of being a social network owner. Banners on sites aren’t about traffic, so much as brand awareness. Brenda and I don’t expect hundreds of click throughs to AMB based on our badge, because it isn’t about traffic. It’s about having people aware of your logo and knowing instantly, who you are.

Without the goodwill of your members, your social networking site sinks pretty fast.

I’m not saying Total Art Soul was wrong, to be honest, it looked like she was having a bad day, with too much work and not enough appreciation. A flippant comment from frogpondsrock hurt and she got snippy.

But, 140 characters is not enough to explain yourself in and it leaves itself open for misunderstandings, which is where TAS blocked and banned Frogpondsrock and left.

The other problem with twitter, is that if you are too prolific, people will unfollow, not because they don’t care about you, but because you’re cluttering up their timeline with things they aren’t interested in. I’ve had it happen personally and okay, I was a bit stung, but it’s how things work.

There seems to be a problem here on the Internet, with ‘bigger’ bloggers (I use the term both bigger and blogger very lightly) thinking that by every link they RT, by every mention, by every helping hand, that they are doing the ‘smaller’ blogger a giant favour. In reality, unless that ‘bigger’ blogger is in the league of Dooce, it’s very unlikely that your helping hand has been as big as you think it has been. This isn’t aimed directly at TAS, mind you, it’s something I see all around the blogs/forums.

People are by nature, judgemental. You like to look at someone and know how you fit in, in relationship to their life. She’s got better shoes, but your handbag is nicer. Her car is more expensive, but you ate at super exclusive restaurant last night. She has more money, but your kids are cuter. Their house is bigger, but you’re pretty sure you get along better with your husband. Right?

It’s how things work on blogs too. We visit a blog and while we may not notice that we’re doing it, we scroll the sidebar looking for our own link (even if we’re certain it’s not there), we tally up the amount of comments on the last two posts, we check out follower/subscriber numbers and subtly, sometimes without even realising it, we’re deciding whose site is more successful. The more blogs we discover with ‘less’ numbers then ours, the bigger we feel.

When really, we’re not at all.

I’m guilty of this too you know, making a snap decision on whose blog is better. I tend to smack myself up the side of the head though, because it’s not what the Internet is meant to be about – unlike some bloggers I’ve stopped reading, because their opinion of themselves makes me stabby.

So really, no matter how much better your numbers are, don’t feel like you’re doing someone a giant favour by sharing their link. Share their link because you like it, or because you like them. Don’t feel inclined to RT their horoscope, just for the sake of retweeting them. It’s not smart, it’s silly. People will pay more attention if the links you share are quality, not if you share loads of them.

And if that means we get to have favourites, then brilliant. I have my favourite bloggers and I share nearly everything they write. Because I love them and because the quality is there. Not because I’m doing them a favour, but because I want people to see their amazing work and love it like I do.

Maybe that’s what we all should do. Share because we love it, not because we feel obliged to.

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