Category: Garden

  • Harvest Time

    Baby carrots

    Broad Beans


    Kale and Spinach

    Broad Beans shelled

    Shelled peas

    Kale, spinach, silver beet chopped

    Harvest time. Dinner tonight will be all vegies from our garden. I’m pleased with our efforts.

  • Fatty Lumps and Dirt

    So firstly, the lump in my breast? It’s just a fatty lump. Nothing to worry about.

    Thank GOD. I was really really stressed this morning prior to the ultrasound. [So was Mum. So stressed in fact that she came to the appointment with me and played with Amy in the waiting room] The lump may or may not grow, I’ve just got to keep an eye on it and if it gets bigger, possibly think about removal.

    So there. It’s always good to be told that you don’t have breast cancer.


    I’ve been digging a garden. Sure it’s nearly killed me and somehow I’ve got a bruise that runs from the heel of my hand all the way to my elbow, but it feels good to look outside and see pretty dirt, just waiting for me to plant vegies in it.

    So far, I’ve got peas, spinach, parsley, mint, kale and silverbeet planted. Also some mignonette lettuce and broad beans.

    It looks good. Fresh. New.

    Exactly what I need.

    Dirt to centre myself and to cry into if need be.