Despite Nathan consistently doing things that set my teeth on edge and make me want to throw coffee cups at him, I am still rather in love with him and we’re getting married.
Actually, counting down, we’re getting married in around 5 months and aside from reading a few magazines kindly sent to me by Sharon and Naomi, I have planned absolutely nothing.
Okay, that’s a lie. We have the basic ideas planned, but the execution of the actual events that need to happen to allow us to get married, well, meh. She’ll be right.
I’m certain things are going to be fine. I mean, sure, we need to buy some stuff and buying stuff takes money, but it will all work out. Right?
Our plans are relatively fluid still – get married in our paddock, wear a pretty dress, have a celebrant, eat good food with friends and have a relaxing afternoon. Surely that can’t be too hard to pull off.
And then I remember that I need to work out where everyone will sit and how we’ll manage to have enough cutlery and where the tables should be set up and how to lock up 30* ducks and chooks who are rather too curious for their own good and are able to fly.
I also remember that we need to start writing down who we’re inviting and maybe think about getting some invitations printed and probably, maybe, we ought to start a List of Things that need to Happen.
So, we’re getting married and it’s going to be FUN.
Plus, I’ve been convinced into live streaming it online, for the benefit of my friends who are living too far away to come and celebrate with me in person.
Now I just need to find the money to pay for the bloody thing.
*30 minus 4 ducks, who are actually on the menu and therefore, don’t need locking up because they won’t be flying around.