
Suicide Hour

by Veronica on January 23, 2010

in Life

Suicide hour: That hour as you’re busy cooking dinner, the children are hungry and tired and no one seems able to do anything on their own without help.

It normally involves frequent whining, a couple of tantrums and an urge to throw yourself off a bridge. Or time out everybody while you finish cooking. Or time out yourself and let everyone else fend for themselves.

Also known as Arsenic Hour, The Witching Hour and Please Everyone, Just Go Away and Let Me Cook Dinner Alone Hour.


Both children are at my feet, screaming at me. Amy is tugging on my top, asking for a glass of milk and Isaac is wailing at my feet, clutching my pant leg.

It’s dinnertime and I just had to hop into the lounge room to settle a dispute.

Amy, no, you play with this toy. That one is Isaac’s. Isaac, here you go.

Unfortunately, my presence has alerted him to the fact that he is hungry and tired. He clutches me, wailing, while I try to make it back to the kitchen. I can smell things starting to burn.

Isaac! I grump – Sit here! Right, now play with your toys.

Amy! Give him BACK his bottle. You’re a big girl, you don’t need a bottle.

But I neeeeda bottle, she wails.

No, you don’t.

I make it to the kitchen before the wailing begins again. My head is going to explode, I can feel it. Glancing at the clock I mentally count minutes until I can feed everyone and start putting them to bed.

Nathan makes his way to the lounge room, ostensibly to give me a hand. Neither of the children want Daddy though, and they remain at the kitchen gate, wailing for me. My stress levels rise as I run the stick blender through the pasta sauce and drain pasta. I only just caught it in time, gluten free pasta won’t stand for overcooking. I’m pretty sure no one wanted to eat pasta mush with their tomato sauce.

I start dishing up as the wails get louder. I’m getting frustrated now, how hard is it to entertain the baby for 5 minutes while I dish up dinner? Amy screams about an imagined slight and I have to remind myself to breathe deep and ignore it for now.

I mentally take myself to my happy place, only somehow, my happy place has been infiltrated by tiny short screaming people and it’s looking less like a happy place and more like hell with every passing moment.

The house has been trashed in just one short hour. Toys are everywhere and I’m fairly sure I just fractured something as I dodged a thrown baby bottle and stubbed my toe on the cupboard.

I manage to keep the swearing to an under my breath mutter and slowly, I get the pasta dished up and sauce allocated.

The baby sits on the floor, pasta and cheese in a bowl in front of him. He spreads it out in a giant circle around him before starting to eat. I ignore it, wishing, yet again that he would submit to the highchair.

Amy sits at the table for 2 mouthfuls before needing a glass of water/the potty/to bother her brother. Still trying to grate cheese over my own dinner, I get her fixed and heading back to the table.

It’s a useless effort of course, because as soon as I sit down, my dinner becomes The Most Interesting and Tasty and both children end up sitting at my feet, begging for mouthfuls of now gone cold pasta.

Sighing, I give up on getting to eat unbothered and share my dinner, wishing I could get away with hiding in the bathroom to eat.

Slowly we finish my dinner and I start to get the mess Isaac made cleaned up. My favourite method of cleaning just involves letting the cats inside, but as Isaac still looks hungry, I pick up the pasta from the tablecloth he was sitting on and pop it back into his bowl. He, of course, spreads it back out in a circle again.

I give up.

As I head to the kitchen to dump the plates and open the door for the cats, Isaac notices Daddy. He’s eating dinner relatively unphased  by the circus surrounding him. Isaac hauls himself to standing and stays there, holding onto Nathan’s legs with his mouth open like a baby bird. Amy notices and climbs up, to sit next to her father as well.

Reluctantly, he shares out his dinner as well, even as his eyes plead with me to rescue him. I look at him, trying to keep a straight face, but I can’t.

Please? He says.

Sorry honey, I’ve uh, got to go outside and uh, do something.

Smiling now, I disappear outside for 5 minutes to get my head back together before the bedtime circus begins.

God knows I need to after all that.

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Bedtime never goes how I want it to.

by Veronica on January 21, 2010

in Life

It’s bedtime.

However, I still have one child sitting at my feet eating steamed carrots and the other child, well she is laying in bed, screeching her demands. It’s a good thing she doesn’t have any hostages in there, as the situation is escalating.


No. You don’t. It’s bedtime.

I walk away again, before the next demand comes.


Back down the hallway I go, to point out to her that her drink is still next to her pillow.

But I need cordial and water!

Not for bedtime. For bedtime you get water.


And the meltdown begins. Again.

I can hear her now, demands silenced in the face of my No. Go to sleep. attitude, playing with the toys. It’s meant to be bedtime, but Amy is Three! and Three! doesn’t cave to the demands of sleep and how your body is tired. Not tonight.

Isaac is crawling around, a late nap in the car has stuffed his bedtime up. As much as he enjoys playing, for him, it’s suicide hour and I’m not sure if my legs will survive anymore biting. We won’t talk about my nipples.

I chase him around the lounge room, trying to change his bum. The little bugger is getting faster and he giggles as I pin him down. Until he realises that I am putting a nappy back on him and then he fights me, like I’m trying to murder him.

Stop that! You need a nappy on.


He twists and turns and it’s like wrestling an octopus.

An octopus that someone has covered in oil.

He’s faster, but I’m bigger and stronger and I confuse him with kisses for the 10 seconds it takes to get the nappy done up.

Exhausted, I let him run away to play.

It’s almost his bedtime, and today, almost mine as well.

I love my children, so very much. But my favourite part of the day? That comes when they’re both tucked up in bed, asleep and I can breathe again, without any short and loud people throwing themselves at my front in a huff.

I like the evenings.

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It’s been a long time.

by Veronica on January 14, 2010

in Life

I started this blog in August 2007, when Amy was almost 1. I was lonely, living in the middle of nowhere, with no adult conversation.

I am positive that blogging saved my sanity, more than once.

This little space, it’s been my safe haven. My place to hide, a dumping ground, somewhere to write out my thoughts and stresses, deal with them and move on.

When I started, I had no readers, except my mother. For months, no one was reading here, until I participated in NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month). I picked up a few readers over the course of that month (Hi Marylin!) and slowly, my readership grew.

Blogging is fluid. I’ve gained readers and I’ve lost readers and 2 years later, aside from my regular commenters, I have no idea who reads here anymore. I’ve got less time to comment now, although I’ve probably got more blogs in my reader. Nowadays I tweet as much as I blog and I enjoy every second of it, even if the social media moguls are sure that I’m ‘doing it wrong.’

It’s funny, I still check my Feedburner numbers most nights to see how many subscribers I have (in the scheme of things, not very many) and I will check my stats and referrals to see where people are coming from, at least once a day. Some things never change, and my obsession with stats is one of them.

I think, after all this time that things are starting to fall into place for me.

I’m a little late I know, but today is Delurk Your Lurkers day and I would LOVE to know who is reading here and a little more about them.

Who is your favourite blogger (while I’ll be thrilled if you say me, I know that it’s not true across the board, so be honest) and who was your first blog read?

My first reads were Lotus when she was still on Myspace (Gasp! I know!). Once I’d moved away from Myspace and convinced her to come too (aren’t you glad I did?) I found MiscMum and promptly lurked all over her blog roll.

And 2 years later, here we are.

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by Veronica on January 11, 2010

in Life

Apparently we’re weaning. A nursing strike since early this morning and a complete breast refusal seem to have been the nail in the coffin and he just doesn’t want to feed. At all.

It’s hot at the moment and normally, that sparks a day of near constant feeding. Not today though. Today, he hasn’t wanted a bar of me, except to wrap around my head and yell ‘AH AH AH’ as he pulls my hair.

I’m finding it hard not to feel like it’s me he rejecting, rather than the breastfeeding. I knew that night weaning was on the cards sooner rather than later, and was planning on doing that sometime in the next few weeks.

He’s beaten me to it though.


I breastfed Amy until she was nineteen months old and somewhere, in the back of my mind, that’s how I thought it would go with Isaac.

I would say that I don’t mind and that he is almost 12 months old (a week until his first birthday) and that it is all fine.

I’d be lying though, because I do mind.

Even if I can see the benefits to weaning.

It’s hard. I can’t force him to feed.

And with how bitey he’s been lately I’m not sure I want to anymore.

Anyway. However it goes, I’m taking the chance to nightwean now, while it’s being presented to me.

It could be my impending period (#4 since they returned) changing the taste of my milk. I expressed a little into my hand and it does taste salty rather than sweet. Natural weaning process? Maybe.

I’m rambling now. It’s hot and we are doing CIO. As much as he doesn’t want to feed (complete refusal), he also doesn’t know how to fall asleep without boobs.



</end ramble>

***Update: A 2am screaming session + engorged painful breasts – meant I caved and fed him and he caved and fed. Not sure where that leaves us now, except for me, awake at 2am and finishing up expressing a breast. I think I’ll keep up with the weaning anyway, just slightly slower than I had originally planned. Weaning over the course of a fortnight, for my comfort.


The nominations for the 2010 bloggies are still open for a little while longer. I would love love love if you could nominate this blog ( for Best Australian and possibly my other blog for Best Writing or Best Kept Secret (


Pretty please?

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2010 Bloggies are now Open

by Veronica on January 6, 2010

in Life

Alternate title: Whoring my blogs and the blogs I adore.

The 2010 bloggies are open and I’m practically squeeing with excitement. Last year I was lucky enough (and proud enough, thrilled enough, over-excited enough) to be named a finalist in the Best New Zealand or Australian Blog, alongside Kelley (who totally should have been on my list) and Tiff. Of course, I didn’t win, but being a finalist = awesome.

So this year, I am hoping to repeat that again, even if I might be hoping a little hard.

Anyway. I wanted to share my nominations with you. I don’t read blogs in all of the categories, so I don’t have nominations for those.

You can nominate up to 3 blogs in numerous categories, more categories than I mention here. If I haven’t mentioned a category, feel free to share your picks for nominations in the comments.

Without further ado!

Best Australian or New Zealand Blog:

This one. Sleepless Nights. Because you love me, right?

Mummytime – Brenda at Mummytime is awesomely funny.

Miscellaneous Mum – Karen is an Author and she was one of the women who inspired me to start my own blog. So you can blame her.

Best African Weblog:

Tertia at So Close – I’ve been reading Tertia for a very long time now. She writes about life in South Africa.

Jeanette Verster Photography – Biased? A little, but her photos are to die for.

Best European Weblog:

Benefit Scrounging Scum – Bendy Girl is funny and bendy and broken and she still makes time to make me feel better.

Everyday Stranger – Shannon is having a delurk day over at her blog. I’m not sure I’m a lurker anymore (more of a fangirl) but I did it anyway. She writes, amazingly.

Best Canadian Weblog:

As a side note, I would have totally nominated Whiskey in my Sippy Cup, but she’s been deported back to America (okay, not deported, but she’s not in Canada anymore. Sniff)

Attack of the Redneck Mommy – I think she is the only Canadian blog I am reading at the moment. How slack is that? Dear Canada, please show me your good bloggers.

Best Photography of a Weblog:

Jeanette Verster Photography – Again. Because have you seen her photos?

Three Ring Circus – Tiff wins awards for her photos. They are that good.

Best Topical Weblog:

Veronica Foale – My other blog, shamelessly linked here. I write about life, about grief, about everything really.

Frogpondsrock – She is pretty eclectic too, but worth reading if you aren’t already.

Fugly Horse of the Day – A one woman blog, highlighting the need for responsible (aka: high class) breeding in the horseworld. She posts about animal neglect, about horses, about rescues. Worth reading if you like horses, or even just animals.

Most Humorous Weblog

Buffoon Blog – I only recently found him, but anyone who can utter a manly squeal makes me crack up laughing.

Blog of Becky: How not to live your life – If you don’t read her, you should.

Magnetoboldtoo – It’s Kelley, we all know Kelley, right? No? Well, get on over there and read her. You won’t be disappointed.

Best Writing of a Weblog:

Veronica Foale – Again. Yes, today I’m shameless.

Ordinary Art – The woman has a gift for words.

Everyday Stranger – Again. Her writing is amazing. Read her, even if you don’t nominate her.


I think that is all I have the effort/energy to link right now. There are a lot (A LOT) of categories and you are allowed to nominate yourself. Nominate your friends, your own blogs or your literary crushes. God knows that’s what I’m doing.

Go forth and nominate! And feel free to leave your choice for nominations in the comments, I am positive I missed a blog or two or ten.

Or twenty.


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