Category: Showcase Tasmania

  • Showcase Tasmania: Boks Bacon

    A few weeks ago, before my wedding preparations got derailed by a very sick little boy, I did a factory tour at Boks Bacon, to check out how their products are made and to talk to Marcus and Sean about the business and what they’re doing with it.

    Boks Bacon used to be a tiny little business based at Cygnet, run from the back of the family butcher. When people discovered the bacon however, word spread fast and Marcus expanded and moved the business out to Glenorchy.

    Boks make a range of products now, not just bacon. From schinken and gourmet sausages, to hams and pancetta, it was great to walk through their coolroom and sticky beak at the products, as well as getting to check out the actual factory and smoke rooms.

    I was lucky enough to get to try a few products as well.

    The bush honey smoked bacon was divine and in my opinion, nicer than the leatherwood honey smoked bacon. That could be because I find leatherwood honey in itself too strong. I grilled the bush honey bacon and served it with salad.

    And it was delicious.

    The leatherwood honey smoked bacon was nicer grilled, crumbled and sprinked over canneloni – it wasn’t as strong of a flavour that way. If you like leatherwood honey though, you’d love the bacon plain.

    I also got to try two different types of sausage – a thai spiced salmon sausage, that Nathan loved the flavour of and a chicken, rocket and parmesan sausage that Nathan wasn’t a fan of (he doesn’t like parmesan) but the kids and I loved. No photos, because I wasn’t that organised.

    Boks is a relatively small business, without a huge budget for marketing or advertising, instead choosing to rely on word of mouth and recommendations from customers. This is, of course the entire point to Showcase Tasmania – to show off some of our smaller businesses.

    Boks Bacon can be found at 39 Chapel Street, Glenorchy TAS 7010 Phone: 03 6273 8325 for direct factory outlet sales.

  • Showcase Tasmania: Natures Path

    I could smell the Natures Path stall from metres away while walking towards it. That was the first thing I noticed, the amazing smell.

    The second thing was that of course, the smell was coming from the gorgeous soaps on display.

    Natures Path make a range of different soaps, all made from pure olive oil and scented with only essential oils. That isn’t the best thing however. While they smell amazing, they feel even better. Silky smooth and luxurious, I am really loving how my skin feels after a shower.

    I was lucky that Frogpondsrock found Natures Path at the Salamanca Markets and then in turn, pointed me towards them, because as well as soap, they make and sell tea.

    What could be better? Two of my luxury items found at the same stall!

    Now, I’ve only tried their Pure Olive Oil Soap (which is meant to assist with dermatitis, eczema and healing – and Isaac’s eczema behind his knees has quite improved), but I have plans to get to the Markets again sometime soon, and buy some pretty smelling ones as well. The apple, mint and green clay soap sounds interesting, as does the grapefruit, lime and calendula soap.

    I also got to try some of their tea, a nice stomach soothing blend, because of the EDS and nausea issues.

    I’m not entirely sure it helped, but I can tell you that I didn’t throw it back up again, so that is a bonus. While I’m uncertain about it’s nausea fighting abilities, it was a really nice mint based tea to sip of an evening, while I bothered twitter with inane updates.

    You can find Natures Path online here, or at Salamanca Market each week – OR, here is a list of where their products can be found across the country.

  • Showcase Tasmania: Joanna’s Jams

    I’d heard good things about Joanna’s Jams from people I know, so when I was down at Salamanca Market a couple of weeks ago I grabbed her business card and emailed her, to ask about Showcase Tasmania. Luckily, she was keen and a week later, I headed down to have a chat to her and collect some of her jams to try.

    Joanna usually makes three types of jam – raspberry, blackberry and strawberry, but I was lucky enough to also get to try her boysenberry jam (limited availability).

    When I brought the jam home, my children thought it was fantastic. I was a little slow in putting it in the top cupboard and when I turned around, the jars were being rolled around on the floor “like cars mummy!”

    First bonus: A very good lid seal.

    The next day, we opened the strawberry jam to have on toast. An hour later, I discovered Isaac sitting on the kitchen floor with the teaspoon and the jar, eating it straight.

    Second bonus: Appeals to toddlers.

    Slowly, we worked our way through the jars, as the children declared it delicious and Nathan and I agreed.

    Third bonus: Tastes incredibly good.

    I’ve been meaning to go blackberry picking in order to make my own blackberry jam, but each year I want to and each year time slips away from me and I don’t get any blackberries picked. I think maybe I’m just going to keep buying the blackberry jam from Joanna, to reduce my own guilt!

    I had meant to finish this post with a gorgeous picture of scones, jam and cream, but I’ve been so hideously busy that I haven’t had time to make any scones. Which is a shame, as I think Joanna’s jam would be perfect on them.

    Joanna can be found at Salamanca markets every Saturday – or you can buy jam online here.

  • Showcase Tasmania: Summer Kitchen Bakery

    I was down in Salamanca for the markets on Saturday, and it was recommended that I go and see the stall that Summer Kitchen Bakery run. Hiding at the very southern-most point of the markets, I found them in their caravan. We got to talking and I asked the lovely Maria if she would like to be part of Showcase Tasmania.

    I didn’t have my camera with me, or I would have taken a photo of the inside of the caravan. Firstly, the shelves of fresh bread – then the pies and pastries sitting up the front. Finally I would have photographed the crowd in front of the van, neatly lined up and waiting for a chance to buy some bread.

    I had been told that they baked the best bread in Southern Tasmania and so my standards were high when I walked away with a lovely heavy loaf of sprouted rye bread.

    Getting home later, I sliced it and wasn’t disappointed. Even with only butter, the flavour was amazing, soft and sharp and very very moreish. I was hungry by that point and so made myself a plate of odds and ends to nibble on.

    Including blueberries from Blueberry Boost and cheese from Grandvewe.

    It was delicious and so I kept eating it. Of course.

    But, I think the biggest critics of any food are my children. They’ve both got sensory issues surrounding food, which makes feeding them the most frustrating job in the world.

    Amy declared the bread delicious and ate most of her slice, with soup. Isaac is a tougher kid to please and I was shocked (pleasantly) when he ate his entire piece of bread and asked for another, to dip in his soup.

    I was impressed.

    Summer Kitchen Bakery don’t have a website, or facebook, but you can find them at the Salamanca Markets every week. If you’ve not tried their bread, you absolutely should and you can tell them that you heard about them on Showcase Tasmania if you like.

  • Showcase Tasmania: Blueberry Boost Tea

    The weekend before last, I was down at Salamanca Market collecting cheese from Grandvewe Cheesery. Frogpondsrock and I had just left the Grandvewe stall when it started to rain, heavily. With a hop, step and a jump, we leapt into a nearby tent stall to shelter from the rain.

    The tent belonged to Carl Sykes from Blueberry Boost Tea and he got the giggles at us, as we stood there drying off and reading the ingredients on the teabags he was selling. One thing led to another and I found myself trying his tea, before discussing Showcase Tasmania and asking if he would be interested in being part of it.

    Carl has a blueberry farm down at Oyster Cove in Tasmania and along with selling his blueberry tea, he also sells dried blueberries and blueberry jams. A fifth generation Tasmanian (ner ner, I’m eighth gen) he is passionate about Tasmania and Tasmanian products and we spent a while discussing what I do and why I’m doing it.

    I ended up with some blueberry tea to bring home and try, plus a few names of people to contact to see if they’d like to be a part of this. A worthwhile encounter all over!

    Blueberry Blend Tea is delicious and claims to help improve blood circulation, amongst other things. I can’t vouch for this specifically, but as someone who has a core body temperature similar to a lizard in winter, I will say that it is a delicious warming tea and I like it.

    I made Nathan try some and even he liked it. He’s not a huge fan of herbal tea, but I’ve caught him drinking it a few times now, which in my opinion is a great recommendation.

    Blueberry tea contains dried blueberries, blueberry leaves, spearmint, cinammon and raspberry leaves. I’ve found it is quite good at settling my stomach of a morning, as well as an excellent tea for right before bed.

    You can buy blueberry tea online here, or if you’re Tasmanian, you can visit Carl at the Salamanca Markets on a Saturday.