I feel blurry.

Blurred vision.


12 responses to “I feel blurry.”

  1. Jeanette Avatar

    Awesome shot!! sorry you feel that way though

  2. kim(frogpondsrock) Avatar

    nice photo from my blurry girl 🙂

  3. achelois Avatar

    so do i

    loving your photo’s lately, you know me, i like pictures.

  4. Farmers Wifey Avatar

    I’m very blurry..and I haven’t even had a wine.

  5. Kristin (Wanderlust) Avatar

    That’s a great blurry shot. I have no idea what it is, but I like it.

  6. Veronica Avatar

    Kristin – it’s part of a broken cobweb. It ended up interesting I think.

  7. river Avatar

    Blurry is not a nice feeling. I get it when I’m hayfevery and there’s no antihistamine left.
    Love the purple and was wondering what the photo was, but I’ve read your answer to Kristin, so now I know. I thought you’d captured flipping book pages.

  8. Amy Avatar

    Great Photography! I’d imagine you were fairly zoomed in.. 😐

  9. Veronica Avatar

    Amy not really, it’s a 100mm Macro lens, so I wasn’t that close at all.

  10. jen storer Avatar

    it kind of looks like brain synapses… ;)jx

  11. Marylin Avatar

    That is an AWESOME photo! Hope some of the blurriness clears for you soon sweety. xx

  12. rachael Avatar

    Perfect way to explain my day.