It’s like being hit by a load of bricks and then run over by a car.

by Veronica on July 22, 2010

in Blogging, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Gotta Laugh, Headfuck

Yesterday, we had a Paeds appointment for Isaac. Nothing major, just a touch base kind of thing.


The kids woke up at 9.30am, 40 minutes before we needed to walk out of our door.

Okay, we can do this I thought, as I bustled around getting ready for a quick shower – only, when I turned on the water, nothing happened.

Our pipes – were frozen solid.

A fortnight or so ago, to prevent the pipes from freezing again, I’d asked Nathan to wrap insulation around the pipes to protect them. He grumbled, but he did it. Unfortunately, it had gotten so cold that everything had frozen despite it.

I wavered between going to the appointment, or cancelling at the last minute and decided that even without showers, we really needed to touch base. So a quick baby wipe bath later (ugh!) and a frantic dash to get the kids ready, we were on our way.

Only to run into every. single. set. of roadworks between here and the city.

By the time we were reaching the outskirts of Hobart, I was getting very ill and preparing to vomit into a book depository envelope. I opened the windows wide, let in the freezing air, took 2 pramin and hoped I wouldn’t have to throw up.

We parked, just as my nausea abated and I got the shakes. I know once I start to rattle (normally hard enough to make my bedding fall off me if I’m at home) that I’m not going to vomit. Power walking to the hospital, 20 minutes late, I’m not sure what Isaac thought was happening as I held him tightly and shook around everything.

Unfortunately, once I’ve gone through the nausea/feel better/shakes thing, the next step on the agenda is bone crippling exhaustion.

I was a mess.

We made it through the appointment, however, the drive home was less than fun as I huddled in a small ball in my seat, shaking with exhaustion and wishing I could just teleport home, instead of having to put up with 50 minutes worth of driving + stops for petrol and stuff.


There are huge gaps in my memory of the drive and that’s probably the best thing.

Once home, I collapsed into bed with my feet propped up on pillows (the nausea was likely a huge blood pressure dip) and fell asleep, despite Isaac tucked under my chin and trying to poke my eyes out. I was just that exhausted. It hit me like a ton of bricks.

2 hours later, I woke up, still exhausted and dragged myself out of bed. Nathan had cleaned the house and was in the middle of making dinner. Yay Nathan!

Today, I feel much better – it’s sunny outside which helps and I slept for 8 hours straight.

However, I know the exhaustion is lurking still. The Cymbalta, while working amazingly for anxiety, made me rather manic. Which means I used up all my energy for the next month, rushing around like a mad person, getting things done.

I’ve stopped the cymbalta now (god, I feel like a see saw, I write a post saying ‘It works! It’s brilliant!’ and then another going ‘Ugh, side effects, sort of giving me the shits’ and then another saying ‘I’ve stopped the drug, the side effects were making me sicker than the original thing we were treating’. My body – not fantastic at dealing with meds) and I think yesterday was part of the backlash of stopping.

At the very least, I’ve stopped being so nauseous all the time – instead it just comes in big waves like normal, my skin is clearing up – it just needs to heal a little faster, and my anxiety, well, I can deal with that on my own, better than I can cope without orgasms and food.

So yeah, the Cymbalta trial ended sort of badly. Heh.

Also, seeing as how my exhaustion is just sort of sitting under the surface ready to come back, I’m going to be doing some reposts of my older stuff that you might not have seen. I promise it will be funny stuff at least. Also, if anyone wants to put their hand up and guest post, I’ll accept guest posts too.

It’s like a Sleepless Nights holiday, only not really.

Fiona July 22, 2010 at 1:27 pm

Take care hun. Nathan is doing awesome by you. šŸ™‚

Kristin (Wanderlust) July 22, 2010 at 1:40 pm

Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry. What an awful feeling to be out like that and be sick. I had a migraine come on once when I was traveling and couldn’t lie down. It’ terrible. xx

Peggy July 22, 2010 at 1:44 pm

I’m only a half ass crappy mom blogger so I won’t volunteer to guest post, but what I would suggest is that you tweet it that you would like some guest bloggers & I bet you will get several ppl willing to do it.
And sorry you are feeling bad.

Tanya July 22, 2010 at 1:45 pm

Big hugs V.

I think everyone who reads knows it’s hard for you, and you’ll have lot of people putting up their hands to guest post šŸ™‚

Waking up to a clean house and dinner on the go would have been lovely. Good on Nathan.

sharon July 22, 2010 at 1:58 pm

Sorry the drug didn’t pan out. Side effects can be a real bitch. Maybe there is something similar which will work for you?

How was the paeds appointment? Any progress at all?

And yes, hooray for Nathan šŸ™‚

Megan July 22, 2010 at 1:59 pm

I’ll guess post for you. I actually have a decent post that I have yet to post on my own blog because I seem to be neglecting it not really intentionally but still I’m neglecting it. Anyways if you want a guess post I got one.

Marie July 22, 2010 at 2:05 pm

YIKES. Hugs to you. Recouperate and recover. Always thinking of you.

Veronica July 22, 2010 at 2:08 pm

Megan and Peggy – Email me a post and I’ll chuck it up!

Sharon – no really progress with Isaac, just a touch base. He’s having some bowel issues related to his laxity, so we’re got to trial some parachoc and see how he goes, even though he isn’t constipated. It’s a matter of ticking the boxes of ‘we tried this and no’ to get anywhere.

tiff July 22, 2010 at 2:21 pm

Feel better soon. xx

katef July 22, 2010 at 2:47 pm

Oh that sounds horrific… hope things improve really soon!

Ali July 22, 2010 at 4:50 pm

Oh babe. Poor you. I’ve been finding the same thing with some of the meds that I have trialled – they actually make me less able to function than I was without them. Oh well. I’m hoping this one I’m on at the moment will do the trick. I think it’s only another 8 weeks or so until I know! Yay for Nathan. Hope things even out a bit soon.

Wacky Lisa July 22, 2010 at 5:01 pm

I can relate to that feeling cycle. It is horrible. Fluid and salt loading can help but it doesn’t always work.

Do you have heat tape? It goes under the insulation which might be a problem now. Honestly, it’s on my mind because I just found out that ours has gone bad. But normally, it’s great stuff.

I hope the side effects ease up soon.

Veronica July 22, 2010 at 5:17 pm

I’ll have a look for some heat tape Lisa, thanks for letting me know about it. Luckily winter is nearly over.

Jayne July 22, 2010 at 6:41 pm

Work out a schedule with Nathan so you can have some time alone to rest/do what you want; print it up and discuss what you really need with him.
Now that you’re off the meds but you’re fully aware that the exhaustion is still lurking you need to be kind to yourself until your GP offers another medication or suggestion.

river July 22, 2010 at 7:00 pm

Sweet of Nathan to clean up and cook. He’s a keeper. Isaac’s checkup was okay?
Bummer about your pipes, but at least you had baby wipes handy.

BendyGirl July 22, 2010 at 9:53 pm

Aw sweetie, I know that feeling only too well. Always huge gaps in my memory afterwards too. Fluids & salt do help a bit, but once it’s gone that far rest is the only answer, as you well know. Hope you’ve got your feet up šŸ˜‰ BG Xx

Marylin July 22, 2010 at 11:55 pm

*hugs* I’m glad Nathan is taking good care of you sweety. xxx

Kelly July 23, 2010 at 12:45 am

Tassie is a cold, coollld, COOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDDDDDD! place. Very pretty in itself, but I must imagine pipe freezing is annoying. Perhaps you could run the tap s that it dribbles at night and fill up a clean bucket so as to prevent freezing! It’s hard to know what to do, and I guess doing nothing is sometimes best.

I guess being stressed and all the rest of it wouldn’t help you feel any better driving down for your son’s appointment.

I had a look on google maps today and checked out your address in whitepages directory. Do you live near [removed for privacy reasons] retreat? I saw a house for sale and it looked as though it may be where you live. If this is so, I’d imagine it would be quite a drive to get anywhere. Nice view of the hills in the distance though, I must say!

Kelly July 23, 2010 at 12:46 am

Is Isaac on a gluten free diet as well?

Naturally Single Mom July 23, 2010 at 1:01 am

Sending you virtual hugs! God knows I’ve had days like that.

DON’T stop the Cymbalta cold turkey. You need to wean yourself off of it. Take 1/2 pills every day for, like, four or five days before stopping completely. I know it sucks, but you’ll turn into a completely crazy person if you come off anything like that abruptly.

Angela July 23, 2010 at 1:07 am

Its like troubleshooting – figuring out what’s going to work. I guess at least now you know that one wasn’t for you. Its like a process. Maybe?? I dunno. I hope you are feeling better. xxxx

hosting063 July 24, 2010 at 5:59 pm

This is a very good blog..Iā€™m definitely going to look into it.Thanks for the encouraging words.Keep blogging.

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