Online shopping, Ozsale and win one of two $50 vouchers!

by Veronica on July 20, 2010

in Sponsored Posts

We all know that because of my EDS, I find in-store shopping absolutely exhausting. Therefore, I try and do as much shopping online as possible, as exhibited by the fact I’ve not needed to walk into a book shop for months.

So when Ozsale emailed me and asked me if I’d like to try out their online shop, and included $50 credit to get me started, I agreed readily. You see, Ozsale do designer wear at cheap (amazingly so) prices – cheap enough to make me spend money in any case!

Plus, with the 2 kids at home, I barely get into the cheap department stores to pick up clothes for the kids, so being able to shop from home makes things amazingly simple.

I had a look around the site and found it really easy to navigate (huge plus in my book) with the current sales running. Also, once I signed up as a member – which I had to do to get access to the shops – I was getting emails letting me know about new sales.

I had a ball, buying some pretty notebooks for me – we all know I have a major book and stationery fetish, some pretty pyjamas for the kids and a tracksuit set and some t-shirts also for the kids. Minus the shipping, I spent barely over $50 and got lots.

Of course, I’ve spent a lot of time lusting over the gorgeous designer boots, but sadly, I can’t afford them, even if they are reduced drastically. My budget can’t quite stretch to $200 for $1000 boots – even if they are lucious.

On top of giving me $50 credit and letting me run wild on their website, Ozsale has offered me TWO $50 vouchers to give away to my Australian readers.

So, to win a $50 voucher tell me:

What do you find hardest/easiest about shopping for kids?

One comment per person, comment to enter.

Tweet about this giveaway (and include @sleeplessnights so I can track the tweets) to gain an extra entry, but this is not necessary to win.

Winners will be chosen using and the competition will close on the 24th of July at midnight AEST.  Competition is sadly, only open to Australian residents.

I would LOVE to give away these vouchers, simply because I had so much fun spending mine.


Congratulations Kristy and TwitchyFingers! I’ll be emailing you shortly.

Kristy July 20, 2010 at 6:46 am

The hardest thing about shopping for kids is having them with you. So then, I find myself in a predicament if I try to blessedly shop WITHOUT him and then I buy stuff that I wish he was there to try on. Argh. I am not Australian, but I thought I’d share!

kim(frogpondsrock) July 20, 2010 at 6:51 am

I had a bit of a look and it seems to be reasonably priced. The hardest thing about shopping with kids is that you spend way more money than if you were shopping on your own. hehe.

AfterGirl July 20, 2010 at 7:45 am

My daughter is grown, but the hardest thing was that I could never just bring stuff home. She absolutely would not wear somethin she had not tried on and picked out. This began at the lovely age of 3 yes that’s right. 3. I also stopped telling her what to wear about this time in her life. It just was not worth the arguments.

Fiona July 20, 2010 at 10:50 am

Sizing. Honestly, I don’t know how big children are!

leah July 20, 2010 at 12:47 pm

the hardest thing about shopping for kids is buying them stuff they dont actually need (but you feel the need to buy it anyway) and spending way too much while doing it hehe!

twitchyfingers July 20, 2010 at 2:31 pm

Hardest thing is where they love something in the store – then refuse to wear it when you get home because its too scratchy, small, wrong colour or whatever random excuse they can muster!

Super Sarah July 20, 2010 at 2:44 pm

Hardest thing about shopping for my girls is trying to find something NOT PINK! It drives me mad!

Jayne July 20, 2010 at 4:52 pm

Hardest thing about shopping for my Aspie geek kid is the texture and fabric of clothes; he cannot stand the feel of man-made materials but he can’t tolerate pure wool, either. Clothing against his skin has to be 100% cotton or near enough and new clothes take months for him to get used to, even after I wash them a bajillion times to get rid of any new clothing smell.

Bec July 20, 2010 at 6:00 pm

The hardest thing is when you find something you’d like to buy your little one and then find that they don’t have their size 🙁

Kelley @ Magnetoboldtoo July 20, 2010 at 6:24 pm

Easiest thing is spending WAAAAAAAAAAY more than I should.

Hardest thing is when I think I have the OMG PERFECT THING YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE IT and they are all ‘meh’ damn ungrateful buggers.

river July 20, 2010 at 8:05 pm

I’m not commenting because I don’t need any new clothes, so don’t need to win a voucher.
Really, these old trackie daks will last another couple of winters. Just have to sew up that seam and patch that hole….

Deb July 21, 2010 at 12:08 am

The easiest thing is that my husband does it! He’s a gift giver, so every time he goes to town he comes back with clothes for the girls (and generally jewellery for me :D). His life is even easier now the little one is out of baby stuff, he gets the same things in two different sizes!
The hardest thing is the speed at which they grow. I refuse to buy things they’ll only wear for a few weeks or months, so everything is bought a size or two big and at least it lasts them a couple of seasons.

Other Fiona July 21, 2010 at 12:48 am

Hardest thing for me is trying to find boys’ clothing that doesn’t feature: skulls, large ‘sport’ numbers or cartoon characters blasting out of a light.

Tanya July 21, 2010 at 2:35 am

The best thing about buying children’s clothing – finding something that she will ‘grow into’ and then will stretch a little and last her longer. Emily grows slowly (she is still in 00 at 13 months) so some of her clothes she has been wearing for about 8 months. 😀

Worst thing about buying children’s clothes – there is so much variety and so many clothes about, that it is a tedious job, and at Emily’s age I’m not going to try everything on her!!!

Best thing about buying for myself – finding something that looks fantastic on, and then you find that 5 years later it still looks awesome. You know, that one pair of jeans, or the black dress, or the comfy/stylish jacket.

There is no worst thing about buying clothes for myself 😀

Becky July 21, 2010 at 8:55 am


I had my entry all ready to go… until I realized I’m not allowed to enter.

What if I pretend I’m from Australia?


Uhh… last fortnight when I had a chinwag with memate, she drove me mad! She’s a real ear-basher, and we had a real blue about her trying to cadge me out of some money cuz she was skint!

There. Did I fool you? Ow. My brain hurts from consulting so many “Australian slang” sites and trying to come up with something realistic.

Be honest— you guys don’t really use “fortnight” do you?

Megan July 21, 2010 at 5:19 pm

Ha ha Beckys’ comment is pretty funny and yes i do say fortnight, quite often actually. Is it even Aussie slang?
Anyway the hardest thing about shopping with kids is battling my 8 mth pregnant belly when trying to get the pram out of the car for my 15 month old. I fear it will not be any easier lugging two children around the shops when this one arrives so online shopping is my savior. I even do my groceries online these days and the delivery man brings the bags inside to my kitchen for me. Prefect!

Lara July 21, 2010 at 8:22 pm

I think for me, the hardest thing is actually finding something that I want to buy! I can’t stand how clothes for little kids are so gendered, and my kid loves to wear bright colours. Luckily, he’s still too young to know that he “shouldn’t” wear girls clothes.

Angela July 21, 2010 at 9:46 pm

Yes we do use fortnight! LOL

Pick me pick me!!

The easiest thing about shopping for my kids is that Ruby just loves anything I buy her. Lots of excitement and “Thankyou Mama’s”. The hardest thing is me wanting to buy everything & not being able to : (

Renee July 22, 2010 at 12:19 am

Hardest thing about shopping for kids is the fact I am never able to do it without them there.. Trying to navigate those stores with a double pram the size of a bus is just a pain in the arse!

Fern July 24, 2010 at 10:48 pm

Hardest – Convincing Declan that he doesn’t need EVERY SINGLE ONE of his t-shirts featuring Spiderman/Buzz Lightyear/some other character.

Easiest – Finding cute alternative clothes, I love that I can get black punky baby clothes now from high street stores!

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