A few quick polls. Only, without the easy clicky poll thing because well, I’ve never done one and I can’t be bothered.
Who is going to win, a 6 week old kitten or my mice?
Yes, I am adding to my insanity and getting a kitten. Or two. Shush in the back there.
What I want to know is, do you think I can teach a kitten to catch mice, before the mice overrun it, tie it up with string, carry it into the roof cavity and roll it in butter and pastry?
(No, I don’t know the sex of the kitten/s. They were found abandoned and have been offered on Freecycle. I may possibly have a soft spot for small abandoned animals that need loving. A big soft spot. Again, shush in the back.)
In a fight between me and Amy’s hair, who should come out the winner?
I’m asking because I managed to dislocate my thumb joint (near the wrist) brushing Amy’s hair. I’m not sure if this means Amy’s hair is the master of getting matted and horrible, or my joints suck.
Probably both.
There is no three. It just seemed stupid to only have two.
30 responses to “Just Asking”
The mice.
I’m sorry, but it’s true.
If you have that many, chance are the kittens will lose interest after awhile. Or they’ll just play with them. Which means you’ll have to clean them up.
Or maybe it was just my cat that sucked…
CKs last blog post..tantrums 201
One. With your luck, the kittens and the mice will grow up to be friends.
Two. Perhaps its time to consider the Sinead O’Connor look for Amy.
Three. <3
Back away from the kittens. Freecycle or no, the mice will win! You are too much of a softie. I sympathise with the hair. My children have very knotty hair. Your poor hand!
Alis last blog post..Joyously mortgaging our souls with a side of pelvisy angst
The kittens will be lucky to have you. Just don’t forget to check what sex they are and to see if they are desexed – you don’t want the kittens to have kittens! 😀
Katies last blog post..My Car is My Second Bedroom
1. Not a clue with the kitten/mice scenario – maybe if you find a dead mouse n tie it to a piece of string for them to play with outside… give em a wee treat every time they pounce on it? I won’t tell greenpeace if you don’t! 😉 My neighbour has a gorgeous wee cat and I want one. Either that or when we’re settled up north i’m getting a dog. A little dog. Just to spite John. *grins*
2. Uhh… maybe a new brush/comb needed? You should win, not the hair!
Has she ever had her hair cut? I know that Zack and Max’s hair was *very* easily tangled until we lobbed off all the ‘baby’ hair so-to-speak. Maybe a wee trim for any straggly/split ends might help? Anything’s worth a shot, and OWIE with the dislocating thumb – mine does that too sometimes…
Marylins last blog post..Ramble ramble ramble ramble…
Poor you. You’re a brave woman taking on more babies! And maybe you need to threaten Amy with a haircut? (It always works on the Princess!)
badness joness last blog post..They’re too smart for my own good…
Mice will always win. They hump faster than Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
nikkis last blog post..Kind of, but not really
Animal farm.
ye need a pig.
Ok, would the mice do that tunnel system thing for you? Those are fun to watch. Amy would be delighted.
Shame about her hair. Don’t they have “no more tears” spray in Australia?
1. At 6 weeks? The kittens will probably think the mice are their siblings.
2. Poor baby! You, not Amy’s hair. Will wearing a wrist brace do you any good?
3. Yes, absolutely. Or not.
Rees last blog post..The Meme That’s Making The Rounds
I saw the kittens on free-cycle as well. You softie, I wonder where you get it from hehehe. The kittens will be very grateful and will grow up into ferocious hunters. Or considering they are suburban kittens maybe they expect their food to come in little cans.. hmmm. Either way if you take them both into the vet to get de-sexed I will go you halves in the cost.. xoxox
frogpondsrocks last blog post..If I actually think about what I am going to do, I start to hyperventilate…. eeeek…
I’m sorry… I’m laughing too hard to give you any advice because I am picturing a dozen mice standing around a kitten pie.
Andis last blog post..I Love My Kid, Even Though I Hate Celery
1) Kitten. They are quick learners.
2) Amy. Cut the hair and you win. Plus, at this age, a short bob looks very cute 🙂
Tonis last blog post..Annoyed
What is it about our Amy’s and their hair?? My Mum has been staying with us for over two weeks and every morning SHE has the same battle to drag a comb through Amy’s bird’s nest. What am I going to do when she leaves? Dreadlocks I think!
Sarahs last blog post..
More kittens? Didn’t you just have some? *runs to hide from the schwacker*
LOL, just kidding.
I say get one that way they don’t end up being brother and sister!
If they are and they mate you’ll have the hell of nursing strange little inbred kittens all while fighting Amy’s hair and trying to care for little Isaac…
Wait, are you trying to create drama to blog about? LOL…
talinas last blog post..Pets are adjusted, I think. Hell has frozen over!
Unfortunately, I think the mice will win. 🙁 You are a kind soul taking the kittens in. And, your daughter’s hair will grow back–I promise.
Joyce-Annes last blog post..Is anybody there?
Kittens on Freecycle? Hmmm…never thought of that. Perhaps I could find homes for some of the 1.2 millions kitties living in my old garage!
Leslies last blog post..Because She Loves Me
1. You’re mad to take on kittens although we know you will but please get them ‘done’ so you don’t acquire even more little mouths to feed. Don’t hold your breath if you really expect them to solve the mouse problem, I think you are stuck with that until you get the renos done and seal the house walls and floors. Having kittens will mean you probably won’t be able to resort to the toxic option again.
2. Have Amy’s hair cut into a bob, she can still wear pretty clips etc and it will be easier for you to deal with.
3. Dunno lol!
Cripes, tricky questions both.
The kittens need some form or ninja training before they get anywhere near the mice, none of this baby mewling business or the mice will spot their weakness and have at them.
Amy’s hair is probably going to win if it’s anything like my girl’s. I think the fairies come and knit with it in the night.
Barbaras last blog post..124/365 – All Together Now
Ugh, some form of, not some form or.
Barbaras last blog post..124/365 – All Together Now
The mice will definitely win. But the cuteness of the kittens will distract you from them for a while. Just get them to a vet as soon as possible.
With Amy’s hair, spray it with a detangling conditioner before brushing and start the brushing at the bottom of the hair, not from the top. Brush the bottom couple of inches smooth, then work up a bit higher, continue like this until you can run the brush freely from the top to the bottom. It’s a much more gentle method than dragging the brush from scalp to tips. It also gives you a few minutes of one on one “girl” time with Amy.
LOL! You’re a bugger for punishment! I wouldn’t go for kittens if they paid me to take them! As for Amy’s hair – guess she’s on a winnig streak!
Janet Bs last blog post..Autumn and other things …
A kitten rolled in butter and pastry, now that’s something I’d like to see!
THe mice would win. Hands down, they breed faster than the kittens could catch them.
Hope your thumb is okay.
tiffs last blog post..No wonder…
you dislocated your thumb?
Yup, your joints just suck. Or amy needs a haircut. 😉
Mistress Bs last blog post..Who done it?
Snort! Ahem, sorry but you crack me up. You know damn well the mice are going to win. In fact, I predict that before long your kitten will be the new “muscle” for your mice. Good luck.
i think the kittens will eventually catch the mice..
just let em grow up a bit..
maybe get Amy’s hair trimmed..
hope the thumb is back to normal soon..
You’ll end up with a feline so frazzled it will climb the nearest tree to escape the mice.
Buy a large freezer, sedate the mice, then when they’re asleep toss em into the freezer (bags optional) and they’ll go to The Land of The Big Cheese in their sleep.
It’s what they do with cane toads.
But I wouldn’t recommend licking a mouse’s back….you won’t get high but you will get hairballs.
Jaynes last blog post..May Sixes and Sevens
OH NO nonononononononon dont DO IT!!! Kitten is a very very bad idea! Really! Bad bad bad!
Suzies last blog post..Where Have I gone?
For mice, you’d be better off with terrier dogs than cats. They are efficient hunters, bred to be ratters, and less easily distracted by being … feline … than cats. My two terriers caught, killed and ate all of the mice that infected our old house.
At six weeks, they’re still pretty young. Our cats were nearly a year before they started to successfully catch mice without incurring too much collateral damage (chomped up ears, swollen eyes, a nasty mouse bite that took a trip to the vet to stitch up, etc). The good news is that as long as you don’t coddle them too much and (after about 10-11 months or so) you limit their food supply to what they need as opposed to what they want? They’ll basically teach themselves.
But not at six weeks. A mouse will kick a kitten’s butt at that age.