One line bios.

Anna made me think about One Line Bios and now I sort of hate her for it, because I can’t get it out of my head.

Sleepless Nights is complex and always has been. That’s okay, because everything I post falls under the umbrella of mummyblogging anyway, even when it’s about hatching a duck egg in my bra, or cutting the heads off my poultry and cooking them (the poultry, not the heads. Heads aren’t my thing). I’ve been trying to think how I’d sum myself up in one line – you know, that one line you use to describe me to other bloggers and they know who you’re talking about immediately. They might not remember my blog name, or my face, but they’d remember my story.

That’s in an ideal world of course.

All the ‘big’ bloggers, they’ve got their thing. Anissa had a stroke. Heathers daughter died, sadly. Her Bad Mother is all philosophical (and don’t forget the cupcakes) and Mr Lady is just plain funny – you can’t forget a blog called Whiskey in my Sippy Cup. These things that don’t define us necessarily, but are how we’re remembered in the blogosphere.

Because Sleepless Nights is so eclectic, I think I’m missing my thing. Is it duck raising? I mean, the ducklings are pretty cute, but it’s not all ducklings, all the time.

The kids are hard work, but I’m wary of their privacy, especially as Amy takes the steps out into the big world of School in February. She might drive me crazy sometimes (I’m writing this at the expense of a roll of aluminium foil), but some stories aren’t mine to tell. Maybe sharing her Aspergers journey is helpful, but I’m not entirely sure how to blog about it constructively, without it turning into a series of posts about behaviours that leave me pulling my hair out.

It could be about Isaac and his slide into non-verbal that we’re hoping to halt. Autism though, that’s a hard one. I’ve only got so much energy for squeezing heartbreak out of my fingertips before I can’t think about it anymore. We’re not even sure he’s autistic, his meltdowns, sensory issues and language development suggests he is, but his social skills confuse everyone. He likes to refer back and smile. He masks his behaviours when we’re out – except for the screaming meltdowns – and then spends an hour hiding his face on the couch afterwards.

Like I said. Some stories aren’t mine to tell.

It could be Ehlers Danlos and my rapidly falling apart body. All the dislocations and the exhaustion. The insomnia and brokenness. The fight against medical professionals to be taken seriously and treated with respect.

Maybe I’m just that Tasmanian blogger.

A one line bio is hard to come up with, probably because as humans, we’re always going to be more than one line.

I definitely agree with Anna though, a one line bio, a decent schtick, it helps make your blog memorable.

We all need our one line, our thing. That thing that makes us different from the other blogs.

The problem is how to find it, and exploit it.


What do you think my one line bio is? What keeps you coming back?

More to the point, what do you think your one line bio is?


49 responses to “One line bios.”

  1. Teigan Avatar

    I call you “that Tasmanian blogger” when I talk about you with my husband. I’m kind of ashamed of that, but admittedly your blog is complex, and it’s hard to say everything that it is in one go. Regardless, I love reading about your life.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I can understand that. That Tasmanian Blogger is something I can definitely use, because there aren’t actually many Tassie bloggers.

      Also, I love that you talk to your husband about me. I do that too.

  2. Marita Avatar

    The Amazing Veronica 🙂

    Because you are amazing an person, an amazing writer and have an amazing blog.

    The childrens privacy thing is tricky. I’ve been seeing lots of class photos pop up on facebook, where the person has not only put up pictures of their own child but the whole class – often with no attempt made to blur faces or the school name/logo – and often children tagged with their full name. The photo albums are not always set to private so anyone can access them and that bothers me. Yes I put my childrens pictures on the internet. But I carefully select and edit them, others do not.

    Both our schools have internet privacy policies in place forbidding parents and students from putting up pictures of other peoples children, or mentioning more than a persons first name. Wish people would read and follow them.

    As for blogging niches – after several years I think I’ve found my blogging niche talking about the ‘how to’ side of Autism, with the occasional plea for help.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Yes, that is what bothers me. I signed the forms for enrollment, saying that Amy’s photo isn’t to be used on the school Internet. I don’t want the internet knowing what school she goes to. I plan on posting photos of her first day of school, but blurring the logo and making the picture black and white, so you can’t see the school colours.

      I think people forget that facebook isn’t private. I would hate to see a class photo of Amy on Facebook, actually, I’d probably spit chips. Like you, I’m very careful about what photos get used and what details get published. It’s too scary to think about doing otherwise.

      Your ‘how-to’ guides are so helpful for me. So keep writing them please?

  3. Marita Avatar

    Will definitely keep writing, I can’t not write anymore – it relieves stress and helps me remember things.

    I’ve talked to class teacher about one particular parent after I spoke to the parent and she wouldn’t remove the photo from facebook 🙁

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Same here, I think I’d twitch and fall apart without the blog.

  4. Kathy Avatar

    One-line for you? Well, this is how I reference you when I talk to my hubs:

    That Tasmanian Writer Girl With the Ducks & the Cute Kids.

    You’re welcome 😉

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Nice! A lack of Tasmanian bloggers works in my favour.

  5. Anna Avatar

    I like the Tasmanian blogger because it sounds cool and dangerous. And in America, even moreso.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Considering the most dangerous thing in Tasmania is the roads… Although I did get attacked by a duck this morning, and we found a snake under the fridge.

      1. Anna Avatar

        Right, but what about this guy:

        1. Anna Avatar

          Oops: I meant this guy?

          1. Veronica Avatar

            The one who looks like this now? I think the tumour is scarier than the animal. We used to have them around the property when I was a kid, you’d hear them calling, or fighting for scraps after we slaughtered something. I remember our dog killed one when I was little – I was terrified of them. So scared that I couldn’t even look at the dead one. It’s sad what’s happening to them.

            1. Frogpondsrock Avatar

              I remember when you were small (younger than Amy) you had confused the Tasmanian devil with your Christian relatives scary stories of the christian Devil and hel. I was seriously pissed off with the rellies and we never quite got you over your fear of the poor old tassie devils,

  6. Jane Avatar

    Hey Veronica

    I’m one of those rare fellow Tasmanian bloggers! We’ve recently started following each other’s blogs. This is an interesting post. I haven’t had the time to delve deeper into your posts to find out more about your ‘back story’ but in the ones I’ve read, I am impressed at the emotion your writing conveys. It’s raw and honest, not styled to within an inch of its life like some.

    I’m not sure too sure about the whole ‘one line bio’ thing. Life is often just too messy to be summarised in a glib one-liner.

    Keep doing what you’re doing – the comments above show that people like what they see. And I am in awe of your ability to juggle blogging with all your family and personal demands. Bravo you.

    J x

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Yay! We’ll be rare Tasmanian bloggers together.

      I write like I speak, which is mostly understated and real. I promised that I would be honest with myself in my writing and I have been.

      Life is WAY too messy to be summarised. But I do agree that a one liner is what makes the bigger bloggers big – an easy way for people to describe them to other bloggers. Something that sticks and is left when the rest of the story falls away.

      I’m looking forward to getting to know you a bit better 🙂

  7. Watershedd Avatar

    One line bio? No thanks. when I talk about what you write about, or Frogpondsrock or Mrs. Woog or whoever, there has to be a few details, not a stereotype. So you are always mentioned by name, location and referenced against the source of discussion for the moment (perhaps a comment to other things is necessary for perspective or to jog his memory).

    My one-line bio? My blog is eclectic as yours – poetry, no kids (but an occasional discussion about them), health issues, human rights, whinge, whines, work … If I am referred to as anything, I guess I would like it to be for my poetry, but I’m sure anyone reads much of it or even that it’s that good. But I’d like it to be what I’m tied to.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Well, a few sentence bio anyway. Eclectic is good in my opinion, people read me and get a mix of stuff, but my voice stays the same.

      I like your poetry, although I find it easier to read poems and think about them, than comment.

  8. Fiona Avatar

    I’m too all over the place, unfortunately, and need a better camera to be a real photoblogger 😉

  9. Wanderlust Avatar

    I think of you primarily as a gifted writer. I like your honesty, your transparency, your fairness and your willingness to tackle difficult topics. More than the particular issues you deal with, I think those qualities define your writing. That may not make for a catchy one-line bio, but that is how I would describe you. I guess I’m thinking of you as a whole, including your writing blog, and not just Sleepless Nights.

    As for me, I don’t know. I think my recent story of domestic violence has come to define me to some extent. It’s sort of taken on a life of its own. That will probably change in the future as my story evolves.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      You’re so sweet to me. Thankyou 🙂

      Yes, you had an EVENT. An EVENT defines blogs to a certain extent and then things evolve. x

  10. achelois Avatar

    One line for you Veronica. No way. But if I had to give it a go….

    Tasmania at its best. A real life honest woman. Intelligent, witty, articulate. Read once, instant addiction! A life on line.

    OK I can’t do it. One line is insufficient. Not sure about line? Does that mean sentence….. but then I can’t remember how to spell, ‘e’ or ‘a’, no matter.

    I would also want to put, resiliant, vulnerable, funny, mindful, wisdom beyond years, loyal, realist, beautiful, humble, …… there is more but I guess you get the picture.

    Veronica – If it had to be a one line wonder. Mine for you would be this….

    Veronica – A Tasmanian blogger. Read it.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I knew there was a reason I loved you.

      Achelois, I really wish you didn’t live on the other side of the world. I would love to visit with you, just to chat.

  11. Brenda Avatar

    Hmmm. The EDS Arsekicker? ; )

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I LIKE that.

  12. Laura Avatar

    Do you need a one line bio?

    I have no idea what mine is!

    Why I come back? I enjoy reading about life in Tasmania and I enjoy reading about your kids – the good and the bad! If I had a child that suffered from Aspergers or Autism then your blog would be an even greater comfort. Often its nice to know someone gets it!

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I don’t think I ‘need’ one, so much as working towards something that makes me, me. Unconfusable with someone else, if you know what I mean?

  13. river Avatar

    I always mention you as Veronica from Tassie. Is a one-liner really necessary? Anyone who has been here even once knows exactly who you are from that moment on.
    I think my blog name is my one liner. Drifting through life is what I do. Drift along, taking things as they come…..that’s me.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I think Tasmania defines me more than I realised. Which I’m okay with, I love Tassie.

  14. Laura Avatar

    You have me thinking now too – so just want to add! While Amy has her story to tell – you have a story to tell aswell – that of being a mother (her mother). Its your story and I think it should be told!

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I agree, but I also am a lot more careful of her privacy now too. I’m not going to stop blogging about the kids, but I think they’ll slowly become supporting cast, rather than the stars. Well, they already have mostly.

  15. Marylin Avatar

    Uhm, well, I’m crap with one-liners. I haven’t a clue what mine would be!
    Why do I keep coming back to you?
    Cause you’re my bestest friend who happens to live on the other side of the world! x

    1. Veronica Avatar

      And you’re mine 🙂 xxx

  16. BendyGirl Avatar

    “My bendy friend down under” BG Xx

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Your upside down bendy friend. Hehe

  17. Alex Avatar

    Now thats a tough one, how about ” the mother of a variety?”, because you look after your children and ducks (lets forget about the killing and eating of them shall we?).

    Well thats the best i can think of, your too amazing to put into words.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I may steal ‘too amazing to put into words’. Lovely person.

  18. Zoey @ Good Goog Avatar

    One line?! It takes me at least 500 words to clear my throat. Maybe that’s my thing. I’m the wordy one 😉 I think the trick is finding something that is catchy, memorable but gives you the ability to define it and change it instead of the other way around.

    While it is nice to think that it isn’t necessary in reality, people are defining you in one line every day so you might as well pick one.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I agree, something with flexibility is better. People who have an EVENT, they lose that flexibility, because like it or not, they’ve been defined by something outside of their control.

  19. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Veronica Foale, Zoey Martin. Zoey Martin said: Reading: One line bios. via @SleeplessNights […]

  20. Damaris @Kitchen Corners Avatar

    I just read Anna’s post and then your comment and then followed you here to your blog. I don’t know what your one line bio would be but I’m no SO interested in reading more about your life.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Hello and welcome! I like meeting people through Anna, they’re generally the best kind of people. 🙂

  21. LJB Avatar

    I so badly need one of them bios… If I had a cool name like Veronica, I’d be half-way to a tag-line already I think… I don’t like my blog name at all, but it’s from over 10 years ago when I couldn’t think of anything better when registering a domain name for photos… Now I’m stuck with it 😐

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I shall thank my mother for my ‘cool name’ hehehe. She’s the one who came up with it! I will admit, it does make being remembered in the blogosphere a bit easier, because there are very few Veronicas, whereas we have loads of Jennifers, etc.

  22. Mo Avatar

    I followed you over from Anna’s comments—the ducks had me intrigued—and I’m glad I found your blog. Whether you come up with your one line or not, this is a great place. I can’t wait to read more.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Thankyou so much! I think at the very least, I have my ‘voice’ and that will see me through, one line or not. Although, I’m going to be thinking up my bio for weeks. Insomniac with insomniac children seems to be the real life one.

  23. Deb Avatar

    See I read Anna’s post and knew yours instantly: The woman trying to live sustainably (ok, in Tasmania) in spite of all the medical shit her family has to deal with.

    Mine is easy. I’m the one who does science for kids. I think it is very important if you are going to treat your blog as a business and actually get something out of it, because it tells you where you are going – much as I love my blog and it will always be there, it isn’t what will actually give me a job. That will come through consultancy and working with magazines. If you are just writing for yourself, do anything you want. But if you are writing for other people – as in you want them to become subscribers or advertisers or future customers – then they need to know what you will write about.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I agree, it is mostly what my blog is about.

      And yes, I want subscribers and advertisers and they need to know what they’ll be getting from SN.