
  • Sleep Wars by Amy

    Babies, Toddlers, Children, lend me your ears!

    I am here to tell you, that despite my foray into perfect child mode (as suggested by Braden) I am still the revolutionary that you know and love.

    I am Amy The Sleepless!

    Mummy had gotten a bit smug about how easily I was falling asleep lately. In reality I was just mustering my energy for my new! and improved! attack on Mummy’s sanity.

    Instead of falling asleep at naptime and bedtime, I am setting a timer (in my brain) for 10 mins. When Mummy puts me down, I sleep just long enough so that I am not exhausted. Then? I scream until Mummy comes to lay down with me. Last night I clocked up an impressive 3 1/2 hours of screaming with two 10 minute naps thrown in.

    I know Mummy has been having some issues with her CFS lately, so in my mind this is the perfect time to break her spirit. Then she will allow me to live on chocolate and potato chips!

    In order to break her as quickly as possible I have a few tricks. You can try these too!

    1- Scream like your heart is breaking when Mummy puts you into your bed.

    (OPTIONAL STEP: Sleep for 10 minutes until Mummy is sure you are down for the night.)

    2- Climb out of your bed and stand sobbing at the top of the stairs, until Mummy climbs back up to put you back to bed. (You can substitute whatever is stopping you from getting to your Mummy/Daddy. Some parents even install gates! The cheek!)

    3- Snuggle right into Mummy’s neck when she picks you up, still sniffling and sobbing quietly. For an added bonus of guilt, wrap your arms around her neck as well.

    4- Make her prise you off so that she can lay you down. Scream.

    5- (OPTIONAL) Save up all your pooey nappies, so that you can poo as soon as you go to bed. This way your Mummy will HAVE to get you out of bed to change your bum.

    Repeat, over and over again. Do this for hours and hours until your Mummy cries.

    Last night I was so successful at this that I had Daddy coming into cuddle me as soon as Mummy left me. They were tag teaming! Aren’t they clever parents?

    At one point I had both Mummy and Daddy in bed with me. This was when I dug my feet into their sides and wiggled until they had no room left. It worked a treat, until they decided to leave me to my own devices and left me. I had to repeat my 4 steps over and over again, until Mummy came back and cuddled me some more. Good times babies, good times.

    After all the screaming I did, I was a bit exhausted and I slept from 11.30pm – 7am. This was just so that Mummy would think that it was a phase.

    HA! Mummy is silly.

    For naptime today I repeated steps 1-4 (with #5 thrown in twice) many many times until Mummy was ready to crack.

    A few more days of this and Mummy’s spirit will be completely broken.

    Viva la Revolution!

  • And The Winner Is….

    Remember the competition I was running? You know, the one where I got all the traffic and now I am going to be all lonely? YES! That one!

    Well it is 8pm here on Sunday night. The deadline.

    And the winner is…..

    Comment number 1 (wow! I was dreading having to find the comment too!)

    Congratulations to Becky from Blessed with Olive Plants!

    I will be sending you an email shortly (as soon as I troubleshoot my email program. Silly thing is playing up). I hope to hear from you soon, however IF I hear nothing within 48 hrs, or the email bounces I will draw it again.


    And thankyou to EVERYONE who entered. Every single comment made my day.

    (PS if you are looking for my weekly winners, they are here)

  • Mud Puddles and Chocolate Cake


    Amy had a ball yesterday playing in the Gardens. About halfway through the day she discovered a mud puddle. Fun times!

    Mud Puddle

    She had so much fun jumping in it. Luckily I had thought to bring extra clothes (sort of) and she was able to play.

    Potato Chips

    Junk food!


    An awful lot of space. She had great fun running away from me all afternoon.

    Birthday Cake

    Mum’s birthday cake was gorgeous AND delicious!


    Instant toddler entertainment! Amy has stopped calling them dooooogs, now they are ‘Hoss’s!’ Look at how much drier it is getting. That little bit of green you can see is from the horses splashing water from their trough.


    Running to yell at the ‘hoss!’ Closely followed by her cat.


    And this one is because we all need a little more cute in our days.

    See more Weekly Winners here! 

  • An Incredibly Busy Day.

    Today was Mum’s birthday. Go on, head over there and wish her Happy Birthday. She will appreciate it, I promise.

    It was a big and busy day. I promise to update more tomorrow, but at the moment it is 10.15pm and Amy has only been asleep for 30 mins. I am stuffed! She was full tilt all day. Cross fingers she sleeps all night for me. K?

    It was a fantastic day, full of good food and great company.

    To make it even better? When I finally got home this evening, I discovered that I had made the list of Top 100 Aussie Women Bloggers. I am so proud of myself.

    Actually, for a fantastic birthday present, I just noticed Mum has made it there as well. Aren’t we clever? Head on over too Leigh’s page and check out the list if you want. Or just love on me with comments.


    Anyway, I am off to bed.

    Night peeps.


  • The End of Limbo

    A few weeks ago, I blogged about us buying a house. Or at least offering on a house and having our offer accepted subject to finance.

    Then I blogged about our pre-approval, subject to us paying the entirety of the car loan.

    Somehow we found the $1200 to pay the car (thankyou credit card).

    Somehow we juggled our finances so that we could do this thing.

    Then we sat down. To wait.

    2 days turned into a week. A week into a fortnight.

    We were left in a limbo of phone calls and waiting.

    We had a 21 day finance contract.

    21 days left became 14.

    14 became 7 .

    And then 7 became 4.

    We were running out of time and the stress was kicking in.

    The car finance company got petulant because we hadn’t seen them about the loan. They faxed through the wrong paperwork time and time again.

    We were running out of patience.

    We were running out of time.

    Finally everything was sorted.

    We were waiting. Still.

    They put us out of our misery today.

    Full approval.

    Let me just say that again, we got FULL APPROVAL. It sounds so sweet.

    And? I am not excited or screaming in joy. My overwhelming feeling is relief.

    We bought a house and I feel relieved.

    Finally, I might be able to sleep properly.



    Our House! OURS! Man that feels sweet.

    There is a bunch of work to be done to it, but the inside is nice. It needs a darn good clean and I am hoping like hell that he removes all his rubbish from the yard. Soliciter got all the balls rolling for me this afternoon. We should have a settlement date this coming week.

    I can’t wait to get out of this house.
