
I had a whole long post written in my head, but then Amy went to bed and my tiredness schwacked me in the head, so I will be brief.

Biopsy showed that the tumour is definitely cancer. The tumour is covering all three of the major openings to Nan’s left lung, so surgery would require the whole lung to be removed.

But, surgery is a possibility, depending entirely on the results of a PET scan. PET scans take about a fortnight to book into too (waiting list) and we will have to travel to Melbourne to get it done.

Then, after we get THOSE results, treatment options can be discussed.

The good news though? The cancer is a “squamous cell non-small cell lung cancer” which means that it is a slower growing cancer. (Name is provided for anyone wanting to google it or whatever. Also for Mum).

So, I need everyone to pray that the nodules of possible cancer that the CT scan picked up are not in fact actual cancer. I need you to pray that the lymph nodes are not involved. I need you to pray that the pain Nan is feeling in her side is not the cancer moving to her bones.

Okay? Because having the PET scan show that those things haven’t happened would be fantastic.

And I need that right now.


43 responses to “Results”

  1. Taz Avatar

    i pray for the very best for you hun and your family..

    u/s today.. YAY

    Tazs last blog post..How Cute..

  2. Kelley Avatar

    Will have a chat with the almighty smiter. And I promise to not flip him the bird.

    Or ceiling cat. Apparently he has magical powers too…


    Kelleys last blog post..Mosh!

  3. frogpondsrock Avatar

    Hugs Sweetheart,

    frogpondsrocks last blog post..a foggy day to match my foggy brain

  4. Lou Avatar

    One prayer down, several more prayers to go.

    Lous last blog post..Summer in the City

  5. Mrs. C Avatar

    I’m sorry everyone is going through this. Prayers for your gran-mum and family.

    Mrs. Cs last blog post..Updates

  6. Bettina Avatar

    your request is my prayer.


    Bettinas last blog post..My New Phone

  7. witchypoo Avatar

    Yes, darlin, I will be including all of you in my dreamtime healing sessions.

    witchypoos last blog post..Eggs

  8. Marylin Avatar

    Oh sweetheart, I’m so sorry. I’ll keep your Nan in my thoughts hon.

    ((hugs)) xxx

  9. Burgh Baby Avatar

    Ugh. My thoughts are with y’all.

  10. Jayne Avatar


    Jaynes last blog post..Trivial History July 9

  11. Jenty Avatar

    I really really pray that the results are good.

    Jentys last blog post..It’s all about perception

  12. Trish Avatar

    hugs to you,Kim and Nan. Saying a few prayers too.
    Hope the PET has better news.

  13. Suzie Avatar

    ((hugs)) my thoughts are with you and your family. You deserve some good news.

    Suzies last blog post..Another Not So Wordless Wednesday

  14. Anja Avatar

    Oh heck, that is not what you wanted to hear. Sweetie, do not stress over this. Your bubby doesn’t need the stress. Huge hugs to you and your mum.

  15. jessica @pianomomsicle Avatar

    i’m sorry, pretty lady. i’m praying for her and your whole family!

  16. Leigh Avatar

    <> wishing for the best

    Leighs last blog post..wii fit

  17. Maddy Avatar

    I hope wishing can make it happen.
    Best wishes

    Maddys last blog post..It’s a wild life [England is Evil 5]

  18. Slick Avatar

    You have my most positive thought. Sorry you and your family is going through this…

    Slicks last blog post..I Am Addicted….

  19. nikki Avatar

    I’m still praying!

    nikkis last blog post..Update

  20. Mr Lady Avatar

    Dude, FUCK! Thinking of you, for sure.

    Mr Ladys last blog post..Double Whammy

  21. Ree Avatar

    Of course darlin. All those thoughts you need and more.

    Rees last blog post..WW – Roy G Biv

  22. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    “So, I need everyone to pray that the nodules of possible cancer that the CT scan picked up are not in fact actual cancer. I need you to pray that the lymph nodes are not involved. I need you to pray that the pain Nan is feeling in her side is not the cancer moving to her bones.”

    It is done. And I’ll keep the prayer going in my head until I hear from you on it again.


    Sarcastic Moms last blog post..It only takes a moment…

  23. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    Yes. Yes. Sending prayers, healing energy and best wishes. Slow growing. Not spreading.

    HUGE {{hugs}} to you all.

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Two For Flinching

  24. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    It will all come good, I’m sure of it.

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Did I roast a kitten on a spit?

  25. Barbara Avatar

    I’m praying as hard as I can. I’m thinking of you and your mum and your nan lots.

    Barbaras last blog post..191/366 – Levitating

  26. Tanya Avatar

    If it is a slow growing one then there is a little more time to work out treatment which will make all the difference.

    Good luck, now it is time to pray and hope.

  27. Angela Avatar

    Veronica, my thoughts and prayers are reaching out to Nan now!

  28. Sharon Avatar

    Well those were ‘good’ results insofar as a positive for cancer can be good. I’m hoping the PET scan is even better and that treatment will give your Nan a whole lot of years to enjoy.

    Hugs to you all

  29. Katie Avatar

    I’m so sorry to hear this news. You are all in my thoughts. *hug*

  30. river Avatar

    I’ll be lighting a brand new special candle for your Nan tonight and every night until we hear the PET results. Healing wishes coming her way.

  31. tiff Avatar

    Praying hard over here in the mainland.
    Hugs Veronica, to you, your mum and your Nan.

    tiffs last blog post..Ivy update, I’ve never wanted something more… I think.

  32. Tara Avatar

    HUGS to you and your family, Veronica. I can’t imagine how difficult this must be.


  33. SusanB Avatar

    Prayers, thoughts, and good vibes sent to you and yours from me and mine. I’ll be wishing and hoping for the best for you all.

    SusanBs last blog post..Birthday presents, continued

  34. katef Avatar

    all fingers and toes crossed here…. *hugs*

    katefs last blog post..In Celebrations of Eggs!

  35. Kat Avatar

    I’m with Kelley, I’m going to pray to ceiling cat. But you got my intention that things are better when they get another look.

    Kats last blog post..The Latest

  36. Widdle Shamrock Avatar

    Hugs and prayers.

    Widdle Shamrocks last blog post..Smiley Saturday

  37. Sandy (Momisodes) Avatar

    I am so sorry to hear. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

    Sandy (Momisodes)s last blog post..Reminiscent Guilt

  38. janethesane Avatar

    I wish your Nan the best results and if it is cancer the best possible outcome. And hugs to you.

    janethesanes last blog post..My Sick Day Misadventure

  39. […] see, the news we got back about Nan wasn’t good. As well as the primary tumour, there are cancerous lymph nodes and what looks to […]

  40. […] sleepless nights (although, it does mean my blog name is good for a little while yet). Nan’s tumour has grown. Lots. And faster than we expected too. After the great news in November that it had […]

  41. […] parties. Life was forever changed, but it was not halted. Not that time. I wouldn’t wish what we’re going through on anyone […]

  42. […] alright, on a day to day basis. I am refusing to think about anything that might happen after the PET scan results are back (still no word on the […]