Grief, stress, grumpiness and man, I am tired

by Veronica on November 17, 2011

in Grief, Headfuck, I'm getting married

I am getting married in just over a week.

I discovered today that we don’t have as many tables as I thought we ought to, seating is a bit iffy (picnic rugs anyone?) and everything is needing to be tied together. If we add in an IRL fight with someone (and I am RIGHT and you are WRONG and being an IDIOT) and a Big Thing* happening at the same time, I have my hands a little full.

Okay, they’re a lot full.

Adding to this, the entire house has been stricken with some form of ‘flu and we’re all whining at each other, while we fight for space on the couch and which DVD we want to watch.

To top it off, I appear to be getting my period. Cycle day 57 people. FIFTY FUCKING SEVEN. Tomorrow should be cycle day one. ARGH.

And the cherry on top? I dislocated my GOOD knee yesterday.

Never mind Internet, never mind. It will all be FINE, but you know. If bursting into tears while venting during a DM conversation last night is any indication, I’m a little stressed.


When I was a kid, each year before my birthday, Nan would take me to a musical at the Theatre Royal. It would make up part of my birthday present and frequently we would get front row seats, which was very exciting.

One year, the musical was Les Miserables and it was a HUGE performance at the Derwent Entertainment Centre. It was even more exciting because Nan was part of the cast, singing in the choir. I spent weeks down at her house before hand, listening to her sing while she learned all of the songs.

After it finished its run, Nan gave me CD’s with the entire performance recording on them. Somewhere in a couple of house moves and a very active destructive toddler (Amy) I lost two of the CD’s.

But, for a long time, Les Miserables was my go-to music when I was stressed.

Screaming baby at 3am? Play Les Mis.

Angry at Nathan for working all night and then needing to sleep during the day (the cheek!) Play Les Mis.

Sing the songs, listen to the words and calm back down.


I hadn’t listened to any of the songs from Les Miserables for years now.

Nan is dead and some things just don’t need poking.

But, I was talking to Nathan the other day and I mentioned “Lovely Ladies” as a song to make you smile, in a warped sort of way. And so I found it on Youtube, along with the entire musical score, care of someone uploading it.

And you know what?

It still works on stress. Of course, it makes me sadder now, but there is nothing like a good musical for making you feel ever so slightly better.

In a warped sort of way, anyway.

*I should be able to announce the Big Thing early next week. I’m just waiting for some things to fall into place.

Super Sarah November 17, 2011 at 5:24 pm

Les Mis is my go-to stress music. I saw the musical in London when I was 15 and it really made an impact on me. I bought the double cd of the cast performing and have listened to it off and on ever since. Sadly the cds went missing in our move from London and for some reason I never did upload them to itunes so I am going to purchase the full recording on itunes, you have made up my mind! PS it will all fall into place next week….. and it will be the most wonderful occasion, I just know it!

kalamac November 17, 2011 at 5:59 pm

I think the people who can make it to your wedding will be so happy to be there they won’t care if they’re sitting on the ground.
Hopefully everything will fall into place and you’ll be able to de-stress a little.

FMIDK November 17, 2011 at 8:27 pm

Onomatopoeia & big hugs xxx

Marylin November 18, 2011 at 9:23 am

Singing always helps me to de-stress… big belty-outy songs where you have to really *breathe*, ya know? *hugs* xxx

Sophia Grace November 18, 2011 at 1:09 pm

Well since it seems you’re having your period, I’m guessing the big thing isn’t pregnancy…
😉 You will do fine with all of this. Promise.

Jayne November 18, 2011 at 4:40 pm

You’ll romp this in, in the end, like you always do xxx
Can’t wait to hear what the Big Thing is!

Bright & Precious November 21, 2011 at 3:53 pm

Oh how I love Les Mis music too… and had forgotten how good it was. Bittersweet significance for you. Good luck with your wedding plans. And hope the family is all well by then. x

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