The Dresden Dolls at MONA FOMA [photos] #mofo2012

by Veronica on January 20, 2012

in Blogging

Last night, I was lucky enough to see The Dresden Dolls perform at MONA FOMA. I took my camera, to see if I could get any decent photos and voila, here they are. The Dresden Dolls have definitely been the highlight of MOFO for me so far and they were amazing to see live. Brilliant performers.

We also have a few shots of Brian Ritchie in here, because at one point, he played bass on stage, alongside them.


Also, I would like to have it noted that despite having a few difficult moments, I did not throw up on anyone. Can we all please thank my doctor for prescribing anti-nausea meds? On the flip side, the continued (and worsening) morning/evening/all fucking day sickness would suggest that the tiny little fetus is still alive. Which you know, is nice. The wanting to puke? not so much.

As always, images are copyrighted you guys. If you’d like to use one, email me.

Mary January 20, 2012 at 9:43 am

Great photos Veronica!

Veronica January 20, 2012 at 9:45 am

Thanks Mary – it was a lot of fun last night.

jessica January 20, 2012 at 11:38 am

Congrats re the bub inside! Looks like a great night out! Well done with the photos, I know it is hard to take pics at a concert.

Veronica January 20, 2012 at 12:31 pm

Thanks, it’s nice to know that the nausea is a good sign, but it can hurry up and ease now.

Taking the photos was actually so much fun.

jessica January 20, 2012 at 2:10 pm

Take care and hope the morning sickness doesn’t linger for much longer. I hated having morning sickness myself. Ohhhh the things we get to tell our children when they are older that we went through to have them.

MacaronMadness January 20, 2012 at 12:18 pm

Fabulous photos Veronica! You’d think you were the only one there. How did you get such good close ups and wonderful expressions?

Veronica January 20, 2012 at 12:29 pm

I managed to get a relatively good spot in the crowd, only a little back from the front row. Add that to a good f1.8 50mm lens and shooting on manual and I was pleased with the results.

Tenille @ My Family Table January 20, 2012 at 3:53 pm

Great photos! So jealous. I heard Amanda interviewed on JJJ a couple of weeks ago, and she mentioned playing at MONA FOMA. Did I hear that PJ Harvey was playing too? If I somehow stumble across a pile of cash and extra annual leave between now and next year, I’m so there. The festival sounds great.

Veronica January 21, 2012 at 12:18 am

Yes, PJ Harvey is playing tomorrow night! I’m not going to it, but MONA FOMA is amazing fun.

Marylin January 21, 2012 at 12:35 am

These photos are amazing! Well done you!
Also? YAY for the tiny growing foetus, still going strong, but BOO at how icky s/he is making you feel! xxx

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