Funny isn’t it, how an ultrasound can change everything. We thought we were 8w6d today, however, on an ultrasound I am 7w3d. Now, the technician said that it was too large of a gap for her to have made an error, or for it to be something wrong with the little one.
So, we conceived 10 days later in our cycle; which ties in with my counting of days anyway. I wasn’t sure if we were having a 28 day cycle or a 38 day one so we covered all our bases, hehe.
Adjusted due date is the 1st February.
The heartbeat is more than 160bpm and the technician said that she could see no reason whatsoever to worry about viability.
So now that just begs the question, how the fuck did I get a positive pregnancy test, seeing as how I wasn’t using an early, sensitive test; and seeing as how I actually tested 9 days past ovulation; 5 days before my period was actually due.
I can only attribute it to higher than normal HCG levels, but I haven’t had a Beta done, so who knows.
37 responses to “Ultrasound!”
You REALLY need to get your TV fixed, I can’t see anything!
Yay for healthy heartbeats.
Not to mention the weird shape of my uterus!
hey! I’ve been waiting all night for this!
tiffs last blog post..Wheezy, wheezyβ¦
I dunno how you got a positive result that early either. Pregnancy tests never worked for me before 7 weeks!
Bettinas last blog post..Hello
Isn’t it SO much more real once you’ve had an ultrasound?
Burgh Babys last blog post..I Said Baa Baa, Baby
Congratulations – this is wonderful news.
Forget the dates I had 5 days difference on early u/s between my non identical twins conceived by IVF at almost the exact same time.
When I had my ultrasound- at 7-8 weeks and later on is was up to week. They are talking mm’s still.
Yay for a heartbeat
Trishs last blog post..Wordless Wednesday- Birthday Wish
PS uterus’s always look weird on ultrasounds – and with bladders and other squishy bits pushing them out of shape don’t worry your pretty head – it’s all normal.
Trishs last blog post..Wordless Wednesday- Birthday Wish
Awww, congratulations… feeling that maternal tug.
A heart-shaped uterus! So fitting.
witchypoos last blog post..More June Peeps
Hi you little baby you! {{waving madly}}
Rees last blog post..Title-Less Because WTF is Already Taken
Dont over think it. It was just one of those really cool things. The baby looks great!
Suzies last blog post..(Semi) Wordless Wednesday
Yeah!! congrats!!
Leighs last blog me
Yay! What a lovely little blur! π How many days til Feb 1? π
Who cares about the other stuff, all that matters is you seen your baby and everything is going well! My oldest is feb 8th and my youngest is feb 12th
Jenns last blog post..Now You Show Me Yours!
How cool and how lucky that your test came up positive so early!
Talinas last blog post..Ah, happy Wednesday!
I thought it looked like your uterus was smiling. Cute baby… looks just like you!
Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Karma…She’s a Royal Biotch
*does a silly dance* My birthday is Feb 2 woohoo!!!
frogpondsrocks last blog post..Dentists and a photo of V as a baby.
so did you still concieve in april?
Tazs last blog post..34 Weeks Old
OMG I AM SO HapPy for you!!!!!!!!!!!
kaylees last blog post..Award and complaint time
Yay! Excellent!! Horray!!
awwwwww, bay-bee!
Kelleys last blog post..Dont you hate it when..
Congratulations on your (probably) Aquarius baby! That’s wonderful news. π
penelopes last blog post..Wednesday Workshop
Congratulations, glad it is all going well and you got to see your little blob for the first time π
Leighs last blog post..Get!
I bet you are sooo relieved to have seen and heard that heartbeat. Here’s to the next 30-whatever weeks!
HOORAY!!! He’s so HANDSOME! She? It? No, I think he’s a boy!
Kats last blog post..Update
So tiny. Hello Amy’s sibling. Welcome to our world. You’re going to love it here.
Ultrasounds are amazing. That little fluttering life.
Congrats. Early or late. That little beat. Awesome.
Dolces last blog post..Head Stuff
gorgeous baby bean!! yay!!!!
katefs last blog post..The Yellow Wiggle
:] Congrats!!!
Mrs. Cs last blog post..I’m Voting For Obama!
Yay!! I love bean pics π
Glad all is well with the little guy/girl!
*Must not be broody*
Marylins last blog post..Wordless Wednesday
Yay! Congratulations! It’s all so exciting!
I remember with James they were always off by at LEAST a week whenever I had an ultrasound from the last ultrasound before that…crazy cycling does not make it easy to predict due dates. =)
By the way, my latest post is definitely inspired by your pregnancy test post, that one got me thinking a lot! π
SusanBs last blog post..At last able to be obnoxiously wordy again!
Yay for healthy tiny tot! And a visible heartbeat!
nikkis last blog post..Recipe Thursday
Awww, you have no idea how happy I am for you!!
Jentys last blog post..Love Thursday: Who wants a hug?
With my first kid, I had a positive test at 2.5 weeks. It does happen!
Deb (Missives From Suburbia)s last blog post..Spring Is Officially Over
Oh, and P.S. that’s one pretty baby you’ve got there!! (I love ultrasounds.)
Deb (Missives From Suburbia)s last blog post..Spring Is Officially Over
Awwww, what a lovely widdle peanut.
May he grow and grow and grow.
Widdle Shamrocks last blog post..Musings ~ Luck of the Draw