Well It’s Official

I seem to be having a baby!

Oh wait, that isn’t the news you were waiting for? You want to know the sex of the baby?

Well, how about a photo first?

See, isn’t the little one gorgeous?

So gorgeous. Okay, I might be a little biased though.

We are having…..

….. A boy!

And it’s a good thing we wanted to know the sex, because the baby wasn’t shy in the slightest. Hell, I could have told you we were having a boy after 5 minutes in the scan he was that eager to show off his bits.

No denying it, there is a little boy in there.

Oh and we have to have a stern talk to him, because at this point in time, he is firmly breech, bouncing around squashing my bladder. Ah well, he has plenty of time to turn upside down. Don’t you little one…


52 responses to “Well It’s Official”

  1. Bettina Avatar

    Oh that’s lovely!!


    Bettinas last blog post..Off Our Training Wheels

  2. Fe Avatar

    Congratulations! I found out the sex with my second baby (a boy) and am so glad that I did. I really felt that I knew him before he arrived (and I had time to get over the shock of not having a girl)

    Fes last blog post..Whatever….

  3. tiff Avatar

    He is very cute.

    tiffs last blog post..Hospital day 2

  4. frogpondsrock Avatar


    frogpondsrocks last blog post..Three phase power, red sticks and teenage boys..

  5. Taz Avatar

    congrats.. 🙂

    hehe.. i am glad i went with my first thought.. 🙂

    Tazs last blog post..45 Weeks Old

  6. Deb Avatar

    Woo hoo!! Congratulations. Baby boys are so lovey and snuggly.

    Debs last blog post..Cough drops, gum, candy, and ass cream

  7. Dorothy Stahlnecker Avatar

    Aw that is so beautiful.. Blessed be the day and what a lovely reading for me early this morning.

    Dorothy from grammology

  8. Taz Avatar

    its amazing how the belly changes.. 🙂

    Tazs last blog post..45 Weeks Old

  9. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    I still reckon it’s a girl….

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Satan and the snowman

  10. Jenni Avatar

    CONGRATULATIONS! He is gorgeous. That little nose, those sweet lips – I think you’re going to have a heartbreaker on your hands.

    Wishing you a cuddly, good sleeper, like my boy.

    Jennis last blog post..Wordless Wednesday #3: Oscar’s Beach Photo Shoot (Oh, Yes, I Did)

  11. sherendipity Avatar


  12. Jenn FL Avatar

    He is beautiful!!! I am so excited for you!!! YAY!!! I love having boys … it meant I got to “do” all those things that was never really acceptable for girls to do when I was growing up … hockey, football, baseball…. you know 😉 It’s fabulous!

    I did not know the sex of any of my babies before they were born … you are so lucky!! My first son was a footling breech.

  13. lceel Avatar

    I’ve told you, before, how hard it is to type with tears in my eyes.
    He’s lovely. But then, he could be no less.

  14. Megan Avatar

    Congrats on the boy!

  15. Marie Avatar

    YAY! A boy!!!!!!! Congrats! Boys are so fun. 🙂

    names? names?

  16. Dina Avatar

    I’m so excited for you!!!!

    I love having a boy.

  17. leigh Avatar

    yeah congrats!!!

    leighs last blog post..catch up. and lots of first!

  18. Suzie Avatar

    I was wrong. Wow how exciting. That is the cutest little space alien Ive ever seen. sorry I think all scanned babies look like aliens.

    Suzies last blog post..Operation Bobo

  19. Ree Avatar

    I think I can officially tell you that this is the first one I’ve gotten right. Ever. 😉

    Rees last blog post..WW – Cat Naps

  20. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    Yay! A boy!! SO much fun. And he is gorgeous. Just gorgeous.

  21. Memarie Lane Avatar

    Wow, such clear images! Congratulations!

  22. Marylin Avatar

    Gratz!! You’re gonna have one of each… lucky git! 😛

    SUCH cute scan pics. 🙂

    Marylins last blog post..Milestones! (Zack edition)

  23. maiden53 Avatar

    What a BEAUTIFUL boy!! Congrats to you and your family:-)

  24. badnessjones Avatar

    Yay! Boys are great. Congratulations!

  25. Kathi D Avatar
    Kathi D

    Wow! I didn’t know they could take 3D photos like that these days! Amazing!

    Congratulations on the baby boy!

  26. Barbara Avatar

    A little tear of happiness is currently trailing down my cheek. Those pics are so lovely. We thought about having some 3d’s done when I was pregnant with the boy and never did. I wish we had.


    Barbaras last blog post..255/366 – Protection

  27. Jenty Avatar

    Woohoo a pigeon pair! Lucky girl 🙂
    glad it’s going so well

    Jentys last blog post..I love chocolate

  28. Taz Avatar

    so i take it..

    everything is ok with the new baby to be? 🙂

    Tazs last blog post..45 Weeks Old

  29. Toni Avatar

    Damn it. Not for the perfect baby but I was SURE it was a girl. Damn it. Guess I don’t get the smug award 🙂

    CONGRATS AND MAZEL TOV on your son. How exciting!!!!

    Tonis last blog post..Plan B

  30. Tanya Avatar

    Congrats! That is fantastic. Now it all seems very official and ‘real’ lol

  31. Sandra Avatar

    Oh he is gorgeous! Congratulations!

    The scans they are doing these days just blow we away – the detail is incredible.

    Is this a 3D or 4D scan?

  32. Mr Lady Avatar

    BOYS KICK ASS!!!! So happy for you!

    Mr Ladys last blog post..I Really Want to Make a Kung Fu Fighting Reference In Here Somewhere

  33. Kathryn Avatar

    Woohoo for boys! I was right!
    And isn’t he a cute little show off! 🙂

    Kathryns last blog post..Yes, I Remember

  34. janethesane Avatar

    Yay! How exciting! Do you have names picked out for a boy?

    janethesanes last blog post..Germs – the other stranger danger

  35. Angela Avatar

    Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! This just brought a huge, goofy grin to my face!

    Veronica, he is precious! What a sweet face your son has! Congrats!

  36. Jayne Avatar

    Awww that’s wonderful!
    Don’t panic – my eldest was a footling breech and she’s been putting her best foot forward ever since (boom boom) 😛

    Jaynes last blog post..Trivial History September 12

  37. Leslie Avatar

    Oh, Veronica! Your baby is beautiful! A boy! Yay! How fun to have both a girl and a boy! I’m just so excited for you!

  38. Kat Avatar

    HOORAY! A boy, a boy, a boy!!!!!!!!!
    I knew it!
    Awwwww, he’s SO CUTE, too.
    I’m so jealous. dammit!

    Kats last blog post..Homeless, Now Accepting Visa and Mastercard!

  39. river Avatar

    I KNEW IT!! And what a gorgeous litle boy he is. Now comes the fun of choosing names.

  40. Cat Avatar

    WOW! Those pictures are amazing. He is so lovely and little. I’m so glad for you guys and Amy will be a fantastic big sister. 🙂

    Cats last blog post..Friday night

  41. Courtney Avatar

    That is awesome!!!! Congratulations!!!!! Very neat pictures!

    Courtneys last blog post..Red in the face

  42. frogpondsrock Avatar

    I just had to come back and admire my grandson again *sigh*

    frogpondsrocks last blog post..Please fill this space.

  43. Mrs. C Avatar

    Boys are great! They’re different, though… get ready LOL!

    Congrats! I want to know his name, too, but I don’t want to pressure you to feel you need to reveal this personal information.

    So what’s his name?


    What is it?

    Or at least tell us what letter it starts with and we’ll all guess.

    Mrs. Cs last blog post..Microanalysis

  44. Kelley Avatar

    awwwwwwwwwwww. Guess you won’t be calling him Kelley then…

  45. Huguette E. Avatar
    Huguette E.


  46. Jenn Avatar

    That’s great ! Little boys are wonderful , Brody was that way too, that early but turned later on…most do!

    Jenns last blog post..7 Months Today !

  47. kaylee Avatar

    he is vERY CUTE

    kaylees last blog post..Random thoughts about my life.

  48. Trish Avatar

    huge congratulations – gosh he is a QT

    Trishs last blog post..Secrets …

  49. Nan Avatar

    Aww Von I got teary all over again, I can’t wait to meet this little fellow

  50. Widdle Shamrock Avatar

    Fantastic !!!!

    Amazing pics too !!!

  51. Just a mom Avatar


  52. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    Congratulations! Sorry it took me so long.
    You will have a matching set now! 😉

    Sarcastic Moms last blog post..Weekly Winners, September 14-20