We’ve had Maisy for a little while now and she’s settling in beautifully.
To be honest, I expected a dog from the dogs home would have more undesirable habits than she does, but really, we’ve not run up against anything yet. Not anything major. She needed some house training, either she’d never been taught, or she’d regressed living in the concrete pens.
We’re slowly picking up on things that may have happened in her last home. Like, arms being waved around freak her out and she hides under our bed until we coax her out. Under our bed isn’t a big deal, as that’s where she’s sleeping and where she disappears to when the kids are being overwhelming. It’s her space.
If Nathan yells, or gets shitty, she gets really anxious. Shaking and hiding in my front kind of anxious, or disappearing under the bed again. Whereas if I yell, no response. Luckily Nathan is a giant softy, and while he will yell at Amy, or stomp around the house grumpily, he very rarely growls at the animals.
We think there is a possibility wherever she was before had a guy who yelled a lot and possibly hit her, just from her reaction to Nathan occasionally. Goodness knows if we’re yelling at each other (we yell a lot, usually ending with us both in giggles) she takes my side. Right before she hides. Heh.
She is so snuggly and does her best to be as close to someone as possible. If I’m reading, she’ll either sneak up next to me and put her head in my lap, or failing that, lay on the floor as close to me as possible.
She’s a little spoiled.
She finally chases a ball, but only inside and only if we throw it carefully. A huge step up from the fear of balls being thrown that she had when she first came home.
She adores the kids. ADORES them. She’s learning that Isaac hates being licked, so she just lays as close to him as possible. She’s still very licky, but she doesn’t like Isaac screeching ‘NO!’ at her very much. She runs around like a maniac with Amy outside, Amy giggling away, before darting in for a pat and taking off again. She has full access to the small yard, but the big yard is lead-only at this point. She is much too interested in my poultry to be allowed out there alone.
The cats are still rather unimpressed, but they’re getting used to each other.
Training has, so far been rather simple. She is anxious to please and once she knows what I want, she remembers for next time and is so willing.
She follows me everywhere, including to the shower and toilet, sticking as close to my ankles as possible. Which is interesting. I’ve tripped over her plenty and spend a lot of time growling ‘for fucks sake, MOVE’.
I’m thrilled though. She is the perfect dog for us and every day cements her that little bit further into the family. I can’t quite remember what it was like before her.
And she is just SO GRATEFUL to be here. You can see it in her eyes.