Category: Sponsored Posts

  • Cottees

    The cottees post has had to be taken down, due to legal reasons – the competition terms and conditions haven’t been approved yet, so we need to wait for that. Anyone who has commented already, your comments will remain, everyone else, I’ll give you a yell when you can comment and enter the competition again.



  • If I ever leave the house again…

    This post sponsored by Nuffnang


    The HP Wireless e-All-In-One Printer. I was sort of hoping that in order to do a sponsored post for HP, that they’d give me a printer to try out. We don’t have one at the moment and it’s a pain. Then I looked around my ‘office’ and my lack of space and figured that any printer I had would be likely to end up full of crayons and 20c pieces and decided that maybe we’d wait a little longer before buying a printer. Like maybe we’ll sell this house first or something.


    The printer. Apparently, it works via the InterWebs, meaning that you can print things at home, no matter where you are.

    I can just imagine how awesome it would be for teenages.



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    Oh, the possibilities are endless.

    I like the idea. Being able to print photos at home while you’re on holiday, sending messages to your spouse while you’re at the supermarket, bothering your teenage children, it’s all a pretty cool idea. Maybe not exactly what HP thought of when they designed it (I imagine they had people at work in mind, being able to print things to your home computer, while you’re at work), but it’s exactly the way my mind works.

    It’s just a shame I don’t have teenagers yet, or a printer to try out.

    But hey, you might end up with a printer, simply by reading this!

    Tell me in the comments how you would most like to use the HP Wireless e-all in one printer (that’s a mouthful, yes?) and you’ll go into the draw to win a printer. Lucky you.

    You can find more info about winning a printer here and as always, please read the terms and conditions [PDF].

  • Mickey and the Great Outdoors

    This post sponsored by Nuffnang



    Amy: ‘Mummy! What is it? What is it?! What was in the mail?’

    Me: ‘It’s a DVD.’

    Amy: ‘YAY! A DVD!’


    Amy was thrilled, as always when a DVD arrived in the mail. And like always, she insisted we watch it as soon as possible. I’m a big meanie however and am trying to limit the TV, so I waited until I was in need of a break.

    She’s been tough to live with lately, bouncing off the walls, screeching, turning the volume up on everything and racing around like a mad woman, so after a major meltdown I was very ready for an hours peace while she snuggled on the couch with her brother watching Mickey and the Great Outdoors.

    A tearstained face and a horse backpack to cuddle, coupled with the DVD seemed to help.

    This time, Mickey and his mates head to the great outdoors and practise their teamwork solving problems, as they travel around the countryside.

    The Mickey DVD was great for Amy. It held her attention and if the amount of times she’s asked to watch it since are anything to go by, it’s quickly becoming one of her favourites. I’d like to say she enjoys the problem solving, but with Amy, I’m never sure how much of it she’s taking in. She definitely enjoys shouting along with the characters and anything that gives me 10 minutes peace is a good thing in my opinion.

    And Isaac is always a fan.

  • Online shopping, Ozsale and win one of two $50 vouchers!

    We all know that because of my EDS, I find in-store shopping absolutely exhausting. Therefore, I try and do as much shopping online as possible, as exhibited by the fact I’ve not needed to walk into a book shop for months.

    So when Ozsale emailed me and asked me if I’d like to try out their online shop, and included $50 credit to get me started, I agreed readily. You see, Ozsale do designer wear at cheap (amazingly so) prices – cheap enough to make me spend money in any case!

    Plus, with the 2 kids at home, I barely get into the cheap department stores to pick up clothes for the kids, so being able to shop from home makes things amazingly simple.

    I had a look around the site and found it really easy to navigate (huge plus in my book) with the current sales running. Also, once I signed up as a member – which I had to do to get access to the shops – I was getting emails letting me know about new sales.

    I had a ball, buying some pretty notebooks for me – we all know I have a major book and stationery fetish, some pretty pyjamas for the kids and a tracksuit set and some t-shirts also for the kids. Minus the shipping, I spent barely over $50 and got lots.

    Of course, I’ve spent a lot of time lusting over the gorgeous designer boots, but sadly, I can’t afford them, even if they are reduced drastically. My budget can’t quite stretch to $200 for $1000 boots – even if they are lucious.

    On top of giving me $50 credit and letting me run wild on their website, Ozsale has offered me TWO $50 vouchers to give away to my Australian readers.

    So, to win a $50 voucher tell me:

    What do you find hardest/easiest about shopping for kids?

    One comment per person, comment to enter.

    Tweet about this giveaway (and include @sleeplessnights so I can track the tweets) to gain an extra entry, but this is not necessary to win.

    Winners will be chosen using and the competition will close on the 24th of July at midnight AEST.  Competition is sadly, only open to Australian residents.

    I would LOVE to give away these vouchers, simply because I had so much fun spending mine.


    Congratulations Kristy and TwitchyFingers! I’ll be emailing you shortly.

  • Mickey Choo Choo Express vs Mickey’s Choo Choo and Silence. Blessed silence.

    This post is sponsored by Nuffnang.

    I’d forgotten that I’d agreed to review a DVD when it arrived in the mail, surrounded by sanity saving books. Actually, I probably couldn’t have planned it better, as this way, there was something for everyone. I didn’t show the Micky Choo Choo Express DVD to Amy however, as I was going out and didn’t want her to watch it without me to watch her reaction. Heh. When I got home later that day, to discover the DVD disappeared and the DVD player set up in our bedroom, I knew that Nathan had used the DVD.

    Much foot stomping and frustrated sighing ensued.

    I needn’t have worried anyway, if Amy’s behaviour was anything to go by. She spent all morning the next day begging to watch ‘Squeaky Mouse!’ and whining at me. Once I’d put Isaac down for a nap, I figured the DVD would come in handy to keep her silent through naptime.

    I hadn’t counted on Nathan wanting to watch the news though and when he paused her DVD to change channels, oh my god – I think angels cried and fairies dropped dead from the force of the tantrum.

    She definitely loves her DVD’s.

    She woke her brother, made me want to claw my eyes out and bothered Nathan through the entire 30 minutes the news was on. Think high pitched screaming the whoooole time.


    Anyway, we turned the DVD back on and she was happy.



    Did I mention she was silent?

    For an hour, she curled up on the couch and watched TV, while I got things done. Isaac even sat and watched most of it too, silently.

    I tell you what, anything that keeps them silent for an hour is worth my time. She was the same way with the Handy Manny DVD that we reviewed, so obviously Disney has their formula and know what works for the short people.

    The DVD has lots of counting and problem solving and Amy enjoyed counting along. Personally I think she was just liking the excuse to yell numbers, but what would I know?

    Either way, if you’ve got a preschooler, I suspect they’ll enjoy this DVD. For the hours worth of silence I got, I totally recommend it to everyone. EVERYONE.